I Won't Lose A Battle

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Kcalb's POV

I watched in horror as the bastard kiss the little girl that always hit a soft spot in my blackened heart. I felt the rage build as he hit the back of her neck making her fall into his arms limp and unable to get away. "Y-you b-ba-bastard, h-how c-could y-you d-do this to an innocent little girl," I finally found the strength to talk normally as the rage and adrenaline filled my body. This bastard must pay. Airheaded devils are troublesome and a pain in the ass. "Oh, you're still here even after she told you to run. Heh~ I didn't wanna break the deal so if you wish to cause ill to me then I'll do it to this girl right here," he jerked Yosafire to a doll-like state and pretended to dance by only swaying back and forth. Damn it, I can't touch him unless he doesn't have Yosafire to threaten me with- I need help. I need Eti- oh Etihw where are you? "I will get you for this. Just you wait I will come for her and save her from your clutches," stabbing the sword into the ground to keep me stabled and standing. I have to stay conscious until the very end. So much is at stake and I cannot lose to this airhead of a devil.

"So be it, I'll be waiting for it then," he said as he bridal style picked Yosafire up and opened a portal and left through it. I fell to my knees as I saw him throw something onto the ground and chuckled before the portal closed. No. She's gone. He took her. Standing up once more I slowly made my way to where the airhead threw something. Gasping I picked up the golden cross that I remembered her always wearing around her neck. I gently cradled the only piece that remained here unscathed from the fires that reined over mine and Eti's gray world. The air suddenly rumbled as I saw the familiar white crystals and knew the Etihw was back. "Kcalb, what's wrong?" her honey nectar voice rang as it sounded so far away and echo'y. I looked up at her and her face turned to horror as she ran over to me. "What happened, Kcalb? Why? What happened?  Answer me?" tears started to swell in her dark gray eyes. "He took her," that's what only came out of my mouth as I broke down and heaved as I felt the arms of Etihw wrap around my head.

"Don't worry we'll get her back but first let's clean up and heal then we'll save her," The honey nectar voice of Etihw soothed my heaving as she soothed over my snow-like hair and hummed a little tune as I heard running footsteps. "Lady Etihw,  brother where's the girls they ran here when I told them not to," Wohads' voice rang in my ears as his damaged being came into my line of sight. Etihw's breathing hitched as she stopped soothing my hair, "the three girls over there have passed but that flame devil took yosafire,  Wohads you know what to do and I'll explain it to Kcalb myself." I listened to how she said it and knew that something was up. Looking up at Etihw, "what do you mean, Eti-" her eyes held sadness and she soothed my hair once more and looked further to where the gray ocean lay.

"Remember when we first stopped the nonsense war, Kcalb," I nodded as she sighed, "after that night that we slept together I didn't know it but I became pregnant with a little soul that was bursting with light. I hid it from you due to thinking that you might not accept the little one. I gave birth nine months later and wept with joy as the little bundle in my arms silently slept peacefully. Wodahs helped me throughout the labor. The little was a girl with bright grayish red eyes making them look almost orange maroon. If you're not catching on then,  Yosafire is our daughter I asked Yosaflame to take care of her until I had the courage to tell you but he died before I could even-" I stopped her mid-sentence, I suddenly hugged her and gripped her tightly. That little girl that would always call me 'old man' was my daughter.

"We have to get her back, now. Before he ruins her life forever," I rasped and held onto her. She smoothed over my hair once more. "Wodahs is aware of this and of going to do so after he gets bandaged up and goes to get help from one of your friends," it wasn't enough. Who knows what that bastard is doing to my little girl. "No, I'll go now," I tried to stand but the world around me started to spin. No. I can't lose conscious now. My little girl is waiting for me. Running footsteps broke me from my trance as I looked up to see Wodahs in his old uniform before we decided to end the war. His left eye filled with determination and hatred. "I'll go save my niece just give the word and I'm gone," his gruffed voice displayed the pain he felt and wasn't holding out too well. "Just be careful and make sure to not get caught or else everything will be lost and there would be no way that Kcalb can save both of you due to the fact that it'll be awhile for him to heal and shape up," Etihw's chest shook as she was about to cry. Our poor little girl. Don't worry help is on its way. My vision started to cloud as I was nearing the conscious's end. Gripping tightly to Etihw I looked up to Wodahs, "make sure you bring my little girl home safe as you can." Wodahs gave a quick bow before he pulled the all familiar spear from off his back, "I will do so brother, for both yours and Lady Etihw's sake." He took off into the distance as my vision faded to black. Falling into its cold arms to rest.


Well that was short compared to the last chapter so since I have Wodahs in the picture you're probably what Wodahs old clothing looked like so he is a picture

The one to the right is Wodahs and the other is Grora but sadly she isn't featured as much in the book as I was hoping to but I had other plans come up for the book instead

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The one to the right is Wodahs and the other is Grora but sadly she isn't featured as much in the book as I was hoping to but I had other plans come up for the book instead.

🎵Midnight Song out~🎵

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