Chapter 8: Baby! or No Baby?

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It was positive I was pregnant with Jakes baby. I screamed silently and grabbed the card and the card said, "I can't wait to meet you with two baby feet." So I went to Jake and I sat next to him and hand him the card (The card had nothing on the front), " What is this?" He pulls out the card and reads it. His eyes get every big and he he gets up and say, "OH MY GOSH IM GONNA BE A DAD!" He looks at me and hugs me and I laugh. He puts me down and asked, "Should I call my mom?" And I said, "No not yet lets make it a surprise for her but we can tell your brother and sister." So he grabs his phone out of his pocket and we sit done an call Brennen first.
Convo w/ Brennen:
B: "Hello?"
J: "Hey you will not believe what just happened."
B: "What is everything okay?"
J: "Yeah everything's fine, just listen you can't tell mom but we decided to tell you and Jessica first and its gonna be a surprise for mom on when we come back."
B: "Okay tell me I promise I won't tell mom."
Jake looks at me and says, "Do you wanna say it together?" So I nod
B: "I'm gonna be an uncle oh my gosh this is gonna be awesome click bait."
He laughs and says, "Just kidding but I am gonna use it but the fans won't know yet until after."
J; "Okay we gotta go we still have to let Jessica know."
B: "Okay love you guys bye.

Convo w/ Jessica:
Jess: "Hello?'
J: "Hey Jessica what are you doing?"
Jess: "Nothing just sitting here with mom what's up?"
J: Okay I need for you to go in another room cause we have to tell you something that mom can't know yet."
Jess: "Okay I'm in my room."
Jess: "Oh my gosh really awe I'm so happy for you guys, oh my gosh I'm gonna be a aunty."
J: " You can't tell mom cause its gonna be a surprise on when we get back."
Jess: "Okay I won't tell mom."
J: "Okay thanks we got to go celebrate. Bye"
Jess: "bye I love you guys."

After we where done talking to Brennen and Jessica we got in my car and went to a beautiful restaurant.
* * *
The next morning we got up really early so we can go back to LA. I picked a black T-shirt with dark blue pants and slipped my converse on. I grabbed my bag and looked back at the room and I was really gonna miss it. We drove to the airport and asked for a private plane with two car slots. We go on the plane and I looked out the window as we took off, Jake slowly put his hand in my and kissed my hand.
"So are you ready to finally go home?"
"Yes and no but mostly yes cause I miss your family and my best friend." I smiled and he smiled back.
* * *
*6 hours later* We finally made it back to LA. I called Izzy:
I: Hello?
O: Hi how are you. We just landed in LA
I: I'm doing fine. And okay nice do you want to meet up some where?
O: Yeah meet me and Jake at his moms house I have a surprise for you and his mom.
I: Okay I'll meet you there.
O: K. byyyyeee
I: K. Byyyyeee

As we got to Jakes moms house Brennen, Colby, Izzy, Jessica and his mom where outside with a sign saying WELCOME HOMME!!! And of course Brennen was vlogging. He got to my window of the car and says, "Okay guys Jake and Oriana are finally back for there honeymoon and my mom has a surprise coming to so stay toned." I rolled down the window and we say hi and Brennen opens the door for me, "Is Izzy not here yet?" I ask
"No but did you tell her?" Brennen reply's
"No so don't tell her, unless you already told her?"
"No we didn't we where waiting for you guys."
"Did you guys make a sign or something to surprise them?"
*Izzy finally rolls up*
"Hey man, how are you." Izzy asked me
"Pretty good man I have a surprise for you and his mom. Okay I want you guys to stand over here and close your eyes."
Brennen says, "Wait I need to get this on camera!" So we wait for Brennen, "Okay got it."
"Okay open your eyes in 3...2...1 SURPRISE!!!" Lisa's eyes get so big and she jumps up and down and says, "I'M GONNA BE A GRANDMA!" Izzy looks at me and says, "Congrats, your gonna be a mom and your getting pretty old." We both laugh and then we all went inside. We decided to go out to eat and celebrate. We got to the place and right away Colby asks, " Is it a boy or a girl or do you not know yet?"
"Umm no not yet, we still have to the doctors."
"Oh nicccce." I smile and sit down to eat.
Brennen stands up and says, *Ting* *Ting* "I would like to make a toast to my brother and sister-in-law, they are a very very beautiful couple and soon they are gonna have mini Jake or Oriana whatever there both beautiful and I love them." He sits down and then Brennen's friend Bradlee comes over to me with roses and a little bear and says congratulates to me.

                                                                                                      *     *     *
*A few week later* May 7, 2025. Today is my third check up to see if its a boy or a girl. My mom is coming with and she keeps telling me its gonna be a boy, and if it is I only want my mom and the doctor to know because, I wanna have a gender reveal party on Saturday May 10, 2025. FIND OUT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER OF WHAT THE GENDER IS!!!

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