Chapter One

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Word count: 2,322

Word count: 2,322

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The trees passed by in a blur. As for Wanda, she sat unmoving, unblinking. Her eyes didn't even flick from tree to tree. She was completely numb, and she feared to move. Ever since Pietro's death, she hadn't been able to move without feeling needles poke into every millimeter of her skin. Her lungs barely wanted to work, and she sometimes wished they would just shut off so she could see him again.

    Clint glances at her and turns the radio up, since he had caught her listening to the song on the radio a few days before, "Hey, don't you like this song?"

    Wanda just purses her lips and felt her head get light, "I used to like it... Pietro didn't like it, he said the singer's voice sounded like she was afraid..."

    Clint turns the music back down.

    "I'm sorry..." he sighs. He gently reaches over and takes her hand. "What do you feel?"

    "I feel sick..." she says. "Nausea... headaches... my limbs feel..." she stops herself. "You probably don't care..."

    "No, I do care," he says. "I... I miss him too, okay? But I have three little ones who are looking forward to seeing their new Auntie Wanda. I think you'll like Nathaniel. He's just a newborn, he's still in his cutest stage."

    Wanda smiles softly at the thought, despite chills continually sending waves up and down her back. She takes a deep breath and lays her head down on the door. She did like little kids, and babies were the epitome of little kids. They were small and helpless, and so, so cute. She had always wanted to have children. Clint turns the music up again after the song Pietro didn't like ends. She was pulled from her thoughts by the noise, and she looks at him with a bit of a worried look. She whispers softly, "Clint... why are you bringing me to your home?"

    Clint just shrugs, not saying a word.

After about a minute of some shitty song playing on the radio, he drives through a small town and says, "We gotta stop for gas... you can go into the gas station and get something to eat or drink or something."

    He pulls into a gas station and hands Wanda a ten dollar bill. She bites her lip softly and gets out of the car.

    "No booze, though!" Clint calls. Wanda rolls her eyes as she walks into the gas station. It felt pretty good to stretch her legs, especially since she kept them so close to her chest throughout the whole ride. Once inside, she just took a second and stretched her arms too. The whole gas station smelled like piss and Febreze, but Wanda honestly didn't care. She then gets to the fridge where they kept all their drinks. Her eyes hover over the beer and a small smile goes on her face. Clint had given her one instruction, and as much as she hated the taste of beer, she kind of wanted just to piss him off. She then moves on and looks at the other drinks. They were mostly energy drinks and sports drinks, neither of which appealed to her. She keeps walking and finally comes upon something she actually would drink, an orange cream soda. They didn't have them in Sokovia, but she remembered that, during their vacation to Istanbul when she was eight, she had one. They were pretty good, from what she remembered. Pietro had tried a root beer for the first time and it terrified Wanda, since she thought it was actual beer. She remains silent and expressionless as she grabs the bottle.

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