1: The dream

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Yuna's POV

A tranquil scenery emerges as my eyes shifted to the warm colors of the sky. The sun was setting, and I extended my arms to reach for its gentle beams when a boy filled my vision.

His disheveled brown hair danced in the soft breeze, surrounded by a marigold light. He wore a navy blue uniform that complemented his physique, one hand clenched and the other holding a black bag.

But before I could approach him, he staggers back and throws his bag, sending it in my direction. He trembles, letting out a loud sigh as tears streamed down his face.

I halted in my tracks, surprised from the sudden movement before reaching for the bag.

And just as my fingertips graze his bag, he whispers:

"Do I deserve to live?"

My eyes widen, a tight knot forming in my stomach as I glanced at him nervously.

He lowers his head, scoffing before his sullen eyes stared into the horizon.

"Mom, dad."

"I can't take it anymore."

"I don't deserve to live."

"The inheritance I've been left with is such a burden."

"There's nothing more that I want than to be with you."

I felt a heavy feeling in my chest as his words sank into my heart. Overflowing with emotion, my feet moved towards him before I could even think.

"I've done nothing but hurt others." The boy trudges towards the cliff, but right when he reaches the edge, he stops.

He pivots his feet and meets my gaze before smiling bitterly.

"Save me, Yuna."

As if I was bounded by some force, my feet stayed put. My voice was diminished, and my helpless attempts to reach out to him failed.

I could only watch as tears appeared at his corner of his eyes, and drawing his last breath, he falls backwards.

"No!!" I shot out of bed, tears welling in my eyes as I glanced across my room with an indrawn breath. Clutching my blankets, my heart pounded against my chest as I was enveloped in cold sweat.

Taking a shaky breath, I wiped my sweat off my forehead and gathered my thoughts.

A boy I've never seen before appeared in my dream and.. died.

What an unusual dream. It couldn't have been real.

I say that yet.. why am I still shaking?

I shake my head, shrugging it off. It's probably nothing.

Getting out of bed, I peeked out my door and saw that my mom wasn't up yet, so I snuck into the kitchen to cook breakfast. Finishing making breakfast, I set them on the table and hear my mom's footsteps from a distance.

"Good morning Choi Yuna!" My mom smiles from ear to ear as she takes her seat next to me.

"Good morning!"

Eyeing my mom suspiciously, I noticed that she was hiding something. She's usually not this enthusiastic in the mornings—it made me want to question it.

But before any words could leave my mouth, she announces:

"Yuna, you're transferring to a new school!"

"What??" My eyes widen from the sudden news. "Why?"

"You had exceptional grades, so they decided to transfer you to a more prestigious school!" My mom cheers as I looked at her in disbelief.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I inquired, knitting my eyebrows.

"It wouldn't be a surprise then!" My mom winks before retrieving something next to her.

"Here is your uniform! I got it beforehand so we wouldn't have to go get it." Mom hands me a bag as she looks at me with anticipation. "Go on, open it!"

I couldn't help but chuckle at her excited reaction and took the uniform out of the bag to examine it. While examining it, I felt a strange sense of familiarity when I realized..

It was the very same navy blue uniform that he wore in my dream.

I froze, and a gasp slipped from my lips. I grew pale, a lightheaded sensation flooding my head.

"Do you not like it?" Mom asks with concern in her voice as I glanced at her with a forced smile.

"No, it's beautiful!" I exclaim with a reassuring tone, putting the uniform back into the bag.

It's just a coincidence.. maybe the uniform happened to have the same color.

"Hmm, okay. Then eat quickly so that I can see you in your uniform!" Mom points to the bowl in front of me as she starts eating.

"Okay." I nodded before eating.


Changing into my uniform, I put my hair up in a ponytail, brush my teeth, and head downstairs to show my mom the final result.

"Oh my! Yuna, you look beautiful!" My mom covers her mouth as her eyes scanned me from heel to toe. "I should take a picture."

She eagerly pulls out her phone and flashes her phone in my direction. "One.. two.. three!"

I beamed a smile to the camera as my mom's eyes sparkled at her phone, looking at the picture.

"Perfect! Now come on, let's go to your new school!" She saunters out the door, humming to herself as I followed her, shutting the door.

Let's hope for a good day today.

I lift my chin up high and head to school, but secretly, the feelings of apprehension crept at the back of my mind.

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