Big Mistake

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Enjoy ~

"Ahhhhhhhh.!" I screamed as 5 jocks chased after me.

"You're not gonna get off the hook this easily," one of them screamed at me.

Oh....well sorry for not introducing myself , I'm Camryn Hinsley, I'm a 16 year old sophomore that goes to Asher High. WOOO GO KANGAROOS! I know what your thinking , who would have kangaroo as a mascot. It's so lame. Anyways back to the story. Right now I'm basically being chase by wild hyenas. A.k.a , the "football team". For something that wasn't even my fault. Actually, it was kinda my fault but I think they deserved it.

Running my ass off, I finally got to my 1985 ford f-150.

"Now where did I put my keys," I mumbled to myself digging in my bag like a maniac.

The crazy bastards were about 50 feet away running at me like I was a buffet of hot wings.

"Shit shit shit shit shit ," I thought.

As I was about to grab my keys, the big stupid buffoons finally caught up to me.

"Where do you think your going," one said.

"You know... Just trying to escape you guys," I said in sarcastic tone.

"You think this is funny don't cha," another buffoon said.

"Ummm... Kinda," I retorted back.

"Well.. are you gonna think its funny when we beat the shit out of you? Uhhh?" the group "leader" said.

The other oaf grab me by my shirt and lift me off the ground.

I wince when he pushed me against my truck.

"You obviously don't know who we are," the leader said.

"Actually I do," I said calmly. "You're Damon, the captain of football team aka the quarterback. And you two are the twins, Lucas and Landon, the linebacker and center. And that ass wipe other there is Carter, the running back , and last but not least, you're Wesley the wide receiver." I said in confidence.

"Well look here, someone actually knows about football," said Damon creeping up to my face.

"Whoa whoa whoa buddy, your too close for comfort." I said as tired to escape Wesley grasp on my shirt. "Let me go, " I screamed.

I thrashed my arms and kicked my legs as hard as I can.

"Stop moving around you stupid bitch!" Wesley yelled.

"Then let me go! I got to go home!" I finally got out of his grasp and tried to run.

I was violently pulled back and felt Damon's hand over my mouth.

"Shhhh, we don't want anyone to hear us, do we?" He whispered . I could smell his minty breath hit my face like a blast of cool air.

"Mmmmmm..mmmm," I tried to say something but his huge hand covered my mouth completely.

"Now, tell me why did you keyed my new shiny,black Lamborghini." He said in my ear. He let go of my mouth so I can speak.

"Ohh.. You really wanna know why?" I said looking away from his glare "It was because you and your little "group of friends" deserved it." I smiled wickedly at him and his group of friends.

"Bullshit," he said. He slammed me into my truck and I could feel the pain wailing up on my back.

I looked up at his beautiful face and glared into his dark blue eyes.

"You really wanna know why I did it," I whispered darkly. "Because that poor kid you were bullying earlier has suffered a lot because of you and your friends."

"Oh boo woo! That kid needed to know his place and not get in our way." Said Carter.

"He accidentally bumped into you!" I shouted like a crazy person.

"And," Lucas said in a sarcastically.

"Whatever, I will pay for the damages! Just let me go you asshole,"I said.

"Fine," Damon said "But this isn't over, I will ruin your whole sophomore year. So do something stupid again and you will regret it." He said while walking away. His group followed him and they left without a trace.

"Its not over," I mimic him "Stupid bitch!" I thought

"Now I'm late," I grumbled getting into my truck and driving off the school's parking lot.

About 15 minutes later I finally got home. I unlocked my front door and and turned on some lights.I knew my mom wasn't here because she usually worked late. She had 2 jobs to provide food and shelter for me. My dad left us when I was about 4 but I don't really know him so I just forgot about him. But sometimes my mom cried and I ask her ,but I knew she missed him.

I walk into the kitchen and headed to the fridge. I grabbed a bottle of water and sat on the couch in the living room.

Flipping threw channels, I got a text from my mom.


Mom:hey I'm going to be coming home late. The boss is being a ass. So don't stay up to late. Love you honey and goodnight!

Me: ok mom luv u too!


I went upstairs and strolled into my room. I changed into my pajama pants and into a tank top.

After brushing my teeth I went to bed and feel into a dreamless sleep.

Well that's my first chapter I hope you guys like it :) ~Maddie

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