Chapter 1

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Author's Note:  

     Heyy! So this is my new FanFic,so excited to be writing this! In case you didn't know..The title is something Niall tweeted. A girl tweeted him saying "Niall don't change,your perfect." And he replied "Changing Is For Wierdos" I don't know why but i'm kinda hooked on this,probs the best quote ever,shut up Mina. 

Okay,Imma let you guys read,so,errr..go on.

Oh and Let me know what you guys think,i want feedback..Please? Haha okayyyy....

Btw this chapter's dedicated to my twitter budd..she's awesome and does great #Imagines..she's great go check out her twitter : @LetMeLoveHazza / @nour_mso


-Mina x

Chapter 1

“Oh Meeel..time to get up!” Anne sing sang as she came into my room.

I opened one of my eyes and was instantly greeted by a ray of sunshine. I groaned and looked at my was 6:15. I buried my face in my pillow and hoped I would get more sleep. Oh, how I hoped.

--10 minutes later--

“Mel! Come on, you’ll be late; we have a lot to do today..” reasoned Anne. Reluctantly I got up from my,oh so comfy bed and headed to the bathroom. I had a nice relaxing shower and quickly got dressed as Anne was complaining we were going to be late. I blow-dried my hair and sleeked it into a ponytail before applying minimal amount of make-up. I opened my wardrobe and looked for a comfy outfit. It was a nice spring day, but still windy so I decided to go with a pair of skinny jeans and an oversized Jack Wills hoodie.

I ran downstairs as I could smell Anne frying something.  Sometimes she acts more like my mum than my manager I thought as she passed me a plate full of French toast. But I won’t complain..I mean I miss my mum, and it’s nice to have someone care for you. We ate and called Ted (my security manager); to tell him we were getting out of the house now.

----------Later on That Day-----------

“Okay so the radio interview’s done..The tour meeting done..What are we doing now?”  I asked slurping some of my frappuchino.

“We have another meeting; with the producers”  Anne replied biting into a muffin

“Oh..What’s it about? I thought we already discussed the theme” I questioned confused, another meeting?

“I don’t know, they didn’t tell me..We’ll have to go there to find out.”

I nodded, okay, meeting with the producers..Should be okay, rigghhttt?


“What happened?” I asked Anne who was looking frustrated now. The range rover stopped abrubtantly about 5 minutes ago and Anne was shouting at the driver.

“Honey, we’ve had a break-down, because SOMEONE did not take the car to the garage when supposed to..and god, we’re going to be late..arghhhh!” Anne said as she buried her face in her hands.  The driver looked at me apologetically and I waved at him motioning that it’s okay.

“Hey ,isn’t the studio like 2 streets from here?  We could just walk it!” I asked hoping to lighten up the atmosphere

“Mellissa! Are you crazy?! We have no security and there are loads of fans-“

“So? It’s not like the fans’ kill me..”

“I’ll just get another car, forget about it.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2012 ⏰

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