Chapter Fourteen

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  Yukichi walked to the door and opened it slightly, looking through the small gap. She saw two large men standing outside with armour and spears. One was about to turn their heads when Yukichi quickly closed the door. The female turned around and placed her hand on her chin, a slight frown resting on her face.

  "I need to get out of here... But how?" Yukichi thought. She looked at the window and walked over to it. She opened her curtains and then the window. Afterwards, she looked down to see a steep cliff with spikes at the bottom. She placed her hand out which made  her markings glow slightly.

  After a few seconds, a little snowflake appeared and began to grow, however after a couple of seconds, it stopped. Yukichi put her hand down and panted while wiping sweat from her forehead. Yukichi then sighed, closing the window and the curtains. Yukichi then began to look at the wardrobe. She cautiously walked over to it and opened the doors to find several clothing items.

  Yukichi pulled out one piece of clothing that was hanging, which seemed to be some kind of battle gear. She raised an eyebrow before throwing them behind her on the floor. She continued this until all the clothes were out of the wardrobe and there was only a box left.

  Curiosity filled the female and she picked up the box. She walked over to her bed, stepping over the clothing on the floor, before placing the box on the bed. She looked back at the clothes. They all looked to be expensive, but those kind of clothes were never her style.

  She looked back at the box and opened it. Yukichi found the clothes she was brought here in. Yukichi released a sigh as she pulled the clothes out and began to change.

  Once the female got changed, she looked at the box and saw some other items inside. Yukichi picked up one of the items, which looked like a crystal. She raised an eyebrow as she examined the crystal, which seemed to glow in her touch. Yukichi then picked up a piece of paper. Her eyes widened as she looked at the paper.

  It was a picture of her. As a child. She was standing next to the Akuma Lady. She covered her mouth with her hand as she stared at the picture. Tears formed in her eyes as memories flashed into her head.

  "Hello Yukichi, how would you like to come with me?"

  "Yukichi, you're so cute."

  "Yukichi, please remember I care about you and everyone else."

  Yukichi dropped the paper and stepped back, falling backwards on the pile of clothes. Tears ran down her face as she remembered everything of her childhood before being sent through the portal.


  "How much further are we?" Gray questioned the beast as they walked through the forest. They've been walking for over an hour.

  "I told you, it's a day walk." The beast spoke in a low tone as he kept his eyes on the path ahead.

  "Isn't there a faster way to get there?" Lucy questioned as she looked at the beast. The beast grunted.

  "If there was, I'd take you through that way instead of walking." The beast stated.

  "Guys!" The group heard someone shout. Everyone turned their heads and saw something getting closer and closer to them at a high amount of speed. They all prepared to attack, just in case it was an attack or a new enemy, however they all relaxed when they saw it was Jet.

  "Jet, is everything ok?" Erza questioned worriedly as the male finally stopped running in front of them.

  "We finally found out how to stop the phoenix members from turning younger!"

. . .

  Natsu, Etsuko and Daisuke sat above a hole, awaiting for the results of Akihito's plan. Etsuko bit her nails anxiously while Natsu and Daisuke stared at the hole. All of a sudden, Akihito was shot out of the hole and thrown into the ceiling. Everyone's eyes widened. The hole then covered itself back up as Akihito hit the ground, coughing slightly.

  "What happened?!" Daisuke questioned as he helped the male sit up. Akihito sighed and frowned as he looked at the bars.

  "The barrier is all the way through the ground. I think it's all around the cells, making it impossible for us to escape." Akihito explained, sighing slightly. Daisuke frowned.

  "If that's the case, then that means there is one possible weakness of the barrier." Daisuke explained, making everyone look at him in confusion. "However the only way to actually get out is by causing an explosion from the outside." Daisuke added, making the group sigh. Daisuke turned his head to a small window, looking at the sky which was close to being dark. "I hope they all get here soon." 

. . .

  "Where are we going?" Hakuoh questioned as she followed her father down the halls with Hotaru close behind her. 

  "You'll see." Tsuyoi spoke, smiling brightly as he lead his daughter down the corridor. Hakuoh glanced back at Hotaru to see him staring at her, however once he noticed Hakuoh was glancing at him, Hotaru quickly looked away from the golden haired female. Hakuoh turned her gaze back to her father, who seemed to walk with joy. 

  "I wonder where the others are? I hope they're ok..." Hakuoh thought as she thought about her guild and friends. She quickly blinked away the tears that planned to escape her eyes.

  "We're here." Tsuyoi said as he stopped walking. Hakuoh and Hotaru both stopped walking and found themselves outside of a large stone door. Tsuyoi moved his hand out and the doors suddenly opened. Tsuyoi then began to walk through to the next room, which showed nothing but darkness. Hakuoh carefully followed her father with Hotaru close behind her. 

  After a few seconds of entering the room, light began to fill the walls, brightening the room up. Hakuoh looked around to see 10 chairs, 5 on the left side, 5 on the right, with three thrones in the middle. Two large golden thrones and a smaller golden throne in the middle. The chairs near the thrones were different colours. On the right, it went red, white, blue, green and yellow. On the left was an icy blue, a pale yellow, black, grey and purple. Hakuoh continued to look around, until her eyes landed on a large covered up object. 

  Tsuyoi was standing in front of the large object and suddenly pulled the sheet covering it up, down. Hakuoh's eyes widened and she ended up stepped back and bumping into Hotaru. The object wa a large crystal that had The Akuma Lady concealed. Tsuyoi looked at Hakuho, seeing her state of shock.

  "You're shocked, I understand..." Tsuyoi said before looking at the crystal. "This is the only way I could keep your mother's body preserved." Tsuyoi explained as he placed his hand on the crystal, a sadden look shown on his face as he looked at the woman. "This is why I need you, my child. A drop of your blood is the only thing I need to bring your mother back to life." Tsuyoi explained as he turned around, smiling softly at Hakuoh. Hakuoh was shaking slightly as she looked between Tsuyoi and Kasumi.

  "You... The dead shouldn't be messed with... They should be left to rest in peace." Hakuoh said, still looking between the two. Tsuyoi stopped smiling at what Hakuoh said. He gritted his teeth as tears began to form in his eyes. 

  "Your mother didn't want to die!" Tsuyoi shouted as he pointed at Kasumi while looking at Hakuoh. "Your mother wanted to live and protect the Akuma Clan! That is why I want to bring her back! So she can complete her wish!" Tsuyoi explained, shouting in rage, terrifying Hakuoh at the same time. Hakuoh continued to shake as she watched the man in front of her rage, however after he saw her shaking, Tsuyoi took a deep breath and turned around. "I am sorry for losing my composure. I shall discuss this with you later. For now, Hotaru, take my daughter to her sleeping quarters." Tsuyoi ordered as he looked up at Kasumi.

  "Yes Master." Hotaru spoke as he placed his hand on Hakuoh's shoulder. Hakuoh turned her head to look at the male, who moved his head, indicating her to follow him. The two then left Tsuyoi in the room alone. Before the doors closed, Hakuoh turned around and looked at her father, and saw him fall to his knees while crying.

  "I promise I'll bring you back Kasumi... I love you..." Hakuoh had a sad look appear on her face, and turned away to continue following Hotaru. Tsuyoi gritted his teeth, more tears falling. "Even if it's the last thing I do, I'll bring you back Kasumi." 


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