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Jack:Why do we hang out with her?!?!

Slender:I don't know-but I feel sorry for you..

Tragedy:*puts down Nutella*O-okay!*runs downstairs and jumps on Jack*WANNA TALK ABOUT PEOPLE BEHIND THEY BACK RIGHT?!?

Jack:*tumbles*GET THE FUCK OFF MEH!!!

Tragedy:*whispers*just let it happened...

((I watch to much "SkyDoesMineCraft"))

Jack:*runs*SO MUCH NOPE!!!!

Tragedy:*Sees BEN and jumps on him*HEY,YOU!!!!


Tragedy:*gets up*I'M THE PRINCESS OF RAD HATS!!!!!

BEN:*Gets up*This is why people call you weird....and strange h-

Tragedy:*glares*I get it!

BEN:*waves hands*oh don't glare at me with your one-

Tragedy:*punches him*DID THAT FEEL LIKE A WRECKING BALL!?!


Tragedy:*looks down*right in the feelz!


Tragedy:*goes in shadow form and goes upstairs*HEY JAAAACK!!!!

Jack:*face palm*Sh*t*walks up to me*wha-

Tragedy:*turns back to normal and tackles him*I MISSED YOU!!!!

((With Slendy and BEN))

Slender:Someone needs to get her back...

BEN:*holds eye*...She punched me in the eye!

((I'm not doing a Part 2 Why?....I reaally don't know but if you want You can just ask first :P))


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