To cut

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You don't know what it's like to cut drag the blade across your skin and feel the relief. Even the resentment after fells good. Every part of you feels good when you cut. But see when you start you can't stop. It messes with you head you think you need it and you don't....well maybe I do.....I still remember the first time I cut I sat in the bathroom tears streaming down my face my mom chose her pills over me...again...I could not handle it I grabbed my razor and dragged it across my skin once more and the once again. I cut at least 5 times that day. I cried for hours. The cuts hurt and I told myself it would not happen again but the next day I had a bad bullied at school as usual so I went home and grabbed my razor again...and cut....and cut....and cut... I kept going until I was to tired to anymore. I set my blade down and fell asleep in the bathroom.
You don't know what it's like to cut...

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