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Bran frowned when a cough shook your body and Osha glanced over at the two of you. you barely felt the blanket he'd pulled off his lap and dropped over you, or heard Osha hurrying over to see if he needed help.

"She will not survive much longer without a Maester." Bran muttered.

"Nonsense, somewhere dry and she'll be fine." Osha grumbled and they both glanced up at the sky, watching the dark clouds moved in.

"Then why have the Reed's gone to find herbs for her?" Bran asked and Osha went back to pottering around the fire instead of answering.

"You know I could ask Hodor if you would like him to carry (Y/N)." Bran offered when Jojen shifted you further up his back.

"No, it is fine, Hodor works hard enough." Jojen muttered, smiling gratefully for the offer.

It wasn't long before the need to find shelter became everyone's priority. The rain started to pour so heavily that the path became slippy and unusable. After pushing forwards for as long as they could the group came across an abandoned building and hurried inside.

You were set down next to Bran, still barely conscious, the only sound in the empty building was your teeth chattering and the hushed shuffling of everyone getting ready to spend the night. Eventually you heard soft muttering and you were sat up, Bran's arms wrapped around you to keep you upright.

"(Y/N) drink this." Jojen muttered and you felt something pressed to your lips. "I'm going to help Meera find food... will you..."

"I can watch her." Bran said and they lay you back down, both flinching when you coughed. You drifted back to sleep as Bran muttered about Winterfell and stroked your forehead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2018 ⏰

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