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Third persons POV

After Jiwon and her mother came out of the car she noticed that there seems to be a black figure looking at her and goes away in the blink of an eye she stopped and walk to where the black figure was

I swear I saw someone staring at me does that person know me!? Jiwon said raising her eyebrow


I swear I just saw someone staring at me does that person know me!?

Where is that person !?

Jiwon why are you there come on now you have to meet them they are not scary so come on  honey

Ne eomma coming

Mother: why are you there honey?

Nothing mom

Mother: okay....

Annyeonghasaeyo Jiwon


Mother: Jiwon meet your new father

A-annyeong f-father

Are you scared dear he asked me worried

Ani appa I'm fine! I said smiling

I look dumb don't I? ,wait I'm speaking inside my head I'm getting crazy

Annyeonghasaeyo are you my little sister?
A guy with a poker face ask

Yah! Sehun ah introduce your self first before asking her questions

Mianhae annyeonghasaeyo im Sehun


its fine you don't have to be formal to us the boy with cute big eyes said he looks cute

Oh sorry hi my name is Kyungsoo but you can call me D.O  this is Chanyeol that's kai

Hi little sis!!!

That's Baekhyun and I'm Suho

It's so nice to meet you your so cute Chanyeol said while Kai and Baekhyun is pinching my cheeks and playing with my hair

A-annyeong im Jiwon 16 years old

What's your favourite colors Sehun said

Umm well i like pastel colored like purple,blue,pink and green

Nice color choice Chanyeol said

I thought they wouldn't like me at all, again I'm speaking to my head again

Now Jiwon go to your room all your things are in there Suho accompany your sister to her room father said

WOW they are really rich are they one of the richest family in seoul geez

This is your room Suho said


I'll call a maid to help you decorate and put your clothes in your closet

Thanks again

No problem I'm so glad to have a respectful little sister like you you'll love it here he said while messing my hair

Woah my room is really big and there's a big bathroom here!

Miss Jiwon please go down dinner is going to be ready soon the maid bowed

Okay thanks


*(still Jiwon's pov)*

After taking a nice shower I put on a sweatshirt and some jeans
On its nice living here-

Ahhhh! Let me go! Who are you

??? You don't need to know who I am I'll let you go if you'll do what I say

W-what is it? Trying not to get scared or he'll hurt us

???: kill your father and brothers

What! No way! I'm not going to do that

???: you'll regret it girl I'll give you 5 seconds to decide




I'm not going to


Let go of me


I'll never listen to you


I heard someone's foot steps

Oppas ahhh help me please

SEHUN'S POV *(sehun is the first pov cause my friend want me to do it so I did)*

Oppas ahhh help me please someone screamed

Is that Jiwon

I'm here oppa in the closet- mmmmmpff

Here sehun the keys
Chanyeol threw the key to me

Who the hell locked my sister there?!

I opened the door and there was a black shadow that disappeared
Behind her

Are you okay Jiwon ?


Are you okay Jiwon? Sehun asked me


What happened here Jiwon? Suho oppa asked

There was a black figure I dont know who it's was he said ill regret it if I don't accept what he says

What did he say? Chanyeol asked

He said if I won't kill you guys I'll regret it

We need to report this to father for now let's go down we can't let mother know this please Jiwon don't tell it to eomma I don't want her to worry okay? Kai said


*(in the dinning table)*

Suho whispered to father about what happened

Is it true Jiwon?

Ne appa it's true

What is it? Mother asked

Uh eomma I almost fell of the stairs that's all

Ne eomma that's true she almost baekhyun oppa said

Okay be careful next time Jiwon you don't want to hurt yourself mother said

After dinner we headed to fathers office

Jiwon you have to go to school where your brothers will go so they can protect you father said

Protect me!?

Yes there might be some people trying to hurt you so you have to stay with your brothers


You may leave now Jiwon I will talk to your brothers in private sleep early your going to school tomorrow father said

Well that was a long day very long and weird day If I say so
Well gotta go to bed

Author kim: well that's a bit long right if not then idont know it feels like I've been writing for an hour bye for now guys I'm tired a little bit

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