Puppycorns death.

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Sun sparkled on the castle, and people walked along the streets calmly telling jokes, and laughing with their hands covering their mouths with joy. But Unikitty was not enjoying the lovely sunshine, she was sick. Her brother, Puppycorn was taking care of her.

"Hey sis you feeling better?" Puppy wagged his tail while setting down a glass of milk to sooth Unikitty's poor throat.
"No, But thank you for helping me" Unikitty whispered

"Anything for you!" puppy barked

"Thank you, again but I need rest"

"Right, right, Cya later!" Puppycorn bounced out of the room waving goodbye, Unikitty waved back but as soon as he shut the door Unikitty slowed her hand and faceplanted into her pillow, looking up with sore eyes and drool dripping from her mouth she muttered "Look at that wonderful sunshine... I wish I could be out there!" Rage gathered up inside her and fire mist started emerging from her nose like she was a dragon, Uni dipped her eyes to a snarl look and noticed the flames, following it up to the ceiling it was burning the roof. "AH! no, no, no! I didn't mean it! I..."


"AHH!" Uni shouted and threw her pillow at Puppycorn.
It hit Puppy's eye and he blinked while cocking his head.
"eh??" he muttered in confusion.

"Sorry, bro"

Snickering a little bit Puppy laughed and accepted her apology. He had to look up from tears almost but then ended his laugh as soon as it came. "Uh, what happened in here????" Puppy quivered.

"Hah, I had a little... uh, accident."

"You peed on the ceiling?" 


"OH fire you mean!"


"Oh, any reason why?" Puppy leaned forward in a wiener dog face kind of look.

"I'm angry that I'm sick, Okay?"


"Sorry, just can you bring some... uh... food?"

Puppy bounced back out of the room and Uni heard Dr-Fox's voice start up a conversation with Puppy outside the doors. "Relax, Unikitty! it'll be fine..." She planted her head softly on her pillow and shut her eyes, like a baby. Minutes later she found herself wide awake and eyes red
tail fluffed up and fur on its end hairs. "BLUB!" she shook her head 3 times, to get rid of it. Unikitty grabbed her blanket and pulled it over her head just to avoid the noise and sunshine. She felt safe. peaceful. Okay. Those thoughts were burnt to a crisp when she heard the door slam open with a voice following it, Puppycorn was back I forgot I sent him out... Uni thought helplessly, Taking a deep breath and smiling awkwardly she pulled down the blanket cover, "Ohh hey puppy!" she said slowly, Her fake smile turned to an actual frown. "Um, I didn't mean trash  when I said food." Unikitty stammered "Well we didn't have a lot of food I thought you'd like so I got the trash!" Puppy corn took a bite of an old milk carton and swallowed with a cough. "Ick puppy corn. why do you eat trash?"  "Because it's good! try some!" puppy wagged his tail 
"I'm not a dog." 
"You should be" 
For the third time puppy bounced off again. But Unikitty followed him, Without Puppys knowledge of her following, "Okay, I have to get outside but not noticed" She whispered

Puppy went to his room to talk to rock-guy. And once he did Unikitty heard psyco laughing like he was about to die, Uni could tell he was on the floor. "Not weird, or unusual" 
Uni found herself outside blinded by the sun, she dimmed her eyes and raised a paw, "What a lovely day today!" the smile she had brought to her face snatched away by the itching feeling of a sneeze rested upon her. "Acho!" she interrupted "Eg.." sniffing she resumed her smiley face and continued her words. " I really want to go and...---" Thinking of what she'd like to do she looked around her city. " Swimming?-No" Looking to the right "Carnival activities?- too hot outside." looking back to the left "Picnic?" unikitty's face dimmed and she bounced up "Perfect! I just need food!" Unikittty bounced back inside and came back out seconds later with arms full of treats, napkins, and food.

After 30 minutes of climbing the fluffy grassy, mountain she made it to the top, "I wonder if there'd be a star shower tonight!" She gazed and sat on the blanket she'd layed out eating her treats 

"Ah! Unikitty!" A distant voice called from behind
"I found you!" puppycorn bounced and sat on the blanket to catch his breath. Panting slowly he muttered
"Why did you leave the castle?? I checked all over for you!" Puppy looked up sadly

"Aww, sorry puppycorn! I didn't mean to scare you I just wanted to enjoy the sunshine!" 
Puppy shot a confused look to uni and cocked his head "Ehm... it's night time uni..." 

"Come on let's go home." 

"No! I want to see if the stars will give us a gift!"
"A star shower?"
"That's not until next month." 
"I'm staying" Unikitty pouted.
"No!" Puppy argued and tugged on unikitty's tail.

"We're going home." He exclaimed

They returned to the castle puppycorn getting tired of dragging unikitty, dirt rustled behind them. 
Puppy set Unikitty on her bed and grumbled "Unikitty. Don't get out of bed I'm not gonna drag you again. stay here" he yelled quietly in almost a whisper.

Unikitty nodded and puppy shut her door, She began dreaming. Dancing on clouds and drinking from a magical bowl and bouncing around the puppy (castle) until she remembered it exploded and she was drowning in it's ashes. in the sea drowning Uni scrambled and couldn't wake up she imagined that people hated her and kicked her out of her castle and eventually out of the city. eating alone the remains of a former meal. but soon to find out it was puppycorn. was dead.

Unikitty forced herself awake. Gasping for air and gripping her chest and ran out of her room. "PUPPYCORN!!!!" she cried out for puppy, "PUPPYCORNN!!!" she continued dashing throughout the hallway and searching for him. The dream... wasn't a dream... once she found puppycorn she was relieved but not until she saw the bugs and knife slit into his chest. 
"p-puppycorn???" she gagged and started bursting out tears. little sad emotions popping out from her head almost screaming, she held puppy up to her head. "Who d-did this-s pup-p-py...." She stammered.
Looking around for someone to help she called out to someone but noticed a small figure in the hallway, Unikitty's ear twitched and she asked "Please! i need help! it's puppycorn!" She called

"What? what happened" It called back the figure becoming clearer and clearer it was dr-fox. 
"Fox! help puppy! please!" 
"OH MY GOSH!" dr-fox was about to throw up but swallowed it in, fox was studying the murder of her beloved friend. blood was spattered everywhere aswell with bite marks all over his neck and face, She looked up and unikitty, "ehm... what were you doing last night?" 
"I was sleeping, puppy dragged me back from eating on the hill" 
"Why do you ask?"
"Because, this was you who did this."
"ME?!?" Unikitty looked frozen, pale.
"Remember that test we did? About your anger?"
"of course!"
"it was her, You, You must have been angry about something directly to puppycorn, now he's dead. What and why were you upset at him?"
"i wasnt! i mean... i was but only for a little bit. i had a terrible dream but i was eating puppycorn..."
"Sheesh Unikitty. i didn't know you hated him that much."
"dr fox! please!!"
"I'm sorry."
"what can we do?"
"Well, i don't think we can bring puppy back to life but i do think we should be putting you in some cage."
"But these are my thoughts, i can't control those!"
"Hmm, you make a compelling case. Okay,okay lets try... umm" Dr sat and thought for awhile
"Im drained out uni, i dont know what to do about puppy or your rage"
"Well then lets try containing me, i don't really think i have a choice-eh?" 

"Yes. Come"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2018 ⏰

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