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"Bye, father!" Guan waved as she left the large house. She turned and walked to school with her baby blue bag on her back and her rose gold phone in her hand.

Guan has everything. She had money, friends, popularity, even a boyfriend. He was Guan's dream boy. Tall, sweet, good looking. But Guan was a reserved person, she hadn't had her first kiss yet. Joohyung respected that.

Guan opened the doors and walked into the hallways, everyone's eyes reverting to look at her.

"Good morning!" Guan waved, making everyone smile and wave back. When Guan was in a good mood, So was the rest of the school. That's just how their high school worked.

Guan passed by students, looking for her group of friends. They consisted of Jisoo, Lisa, and Jennie. Their used to be another girl apart of their friend group but she left the school.

She spotted them and jogged over to them. "Hey girls!" She said, catching the rest's attention.

"Hey Guan." Lisa greeted.

Guan smiles at her friends when she felt a tap on her shoulders. She turned around to see Joohyung.

"Hi." He said, smiling down at her. "Hi." Guan answered, smiling back at him while blushing a light pink.

He put his arm around as she spun back to her friends. "Any late drama?" Guan asked.

"I heard Baekhyun confessed to Chanyeol. But in a different way. You know, not face to face." Jennie shrugged.

"I knew he was gay." Guan snapped. The other girls nodded in agreement.

The bell rang, signaling for all to head to class, which everyone did so.

Guan turned to Joohyung and gave him a small peck on the cheek before running off to class. Today was going to be a great day.

"YOU WHAT?!" Or so she thought.

"I lost my job, it's as simply as that. We still have money to last us the rest of the year but that won't be enough so I'm going to find a new job. Stop worrying." Guan's dad explained. He patted Guan's shoulder before heading into his office to find a job that payed well.

Guan fell to the floor. There goes one thing she cherished: money.

Guan went to School the next day, going straight to class since she was late.

Tapping her pencil, Guan raised her hand. "May I go to the bathroom?" She asked. The teacher gave a quick nod before continuing the lesson.

Guan stood and walked out the door, starting to head to the bathroom.

She stopped right before turning the corner to heard mushy kissing sounds. Was someone really making out against the lockers?

Guan peeked around and gasped when she saw who exactly the two were.

Joohyung, and some other girl Guan had never seen.

Joohyung pushes away from her as soon as he saw Guan.


"Don't talk to me! Don't ever speak to me! Don't text me, don't call me, don't even look at me!" Guan sputtered as she let tears fall from her eyes.

"You heartless bush." Guan turned around and left, going to a farther bathroom rather than the closer one.

After seeing that, her heart broke and she felt like vomiting.

She made it to the bathroom and immediately vomited into the toilet. Her first heart break.

And there goes another thing she cares about: Love.

When Guan returned during break, all her friends gave her this look.

"Guan." Lisa started. "I'm sorry to break it to you but, I don't think we should be friends anymore. hope you don't take it too personally." Lisa said, a sincere smile on her face.

Guan stares at them. What?

"But, why?" Guan asked.

"Your dad lost his job didn't he? You're useless to us now." Jennie stated.

"Yeah." Guan sniffed.

There goes the last thing she cared about: Friendship.

She went from having all of it, to none of it.

Imaginary Friend (Guan x LuHan)Where stories live. Discover now