Chapter:4 An Eternal Mystery

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Raven always has his left hand in his pocket So there's no one who knows what his hand looks like

Rena:I heard that his left hand packs a punch

Aisha:I heard he has a huge scar

Elsword:....or.... he has a machine arm maybe????

Rena and aisha stares at him

Rena:ahahahaha-Elsword! your jokes are really funny

Aisha:Where do you get these crazy ideas?!!

after school raven was walking alone while rena was sneaking at raven

Rena:hehehe Surprise!!


Rena Saw a doll at ravens arm


Raven:huh? huh? huh?

In the classroom Rena felt humiliated

Rena:no...thats a lie...what the hell....

Stella:...Someone wake her up

while every one was studying diligently the principal sneaks at them.Elsword was reading fantasy novel,Eve is using her laptop,Raven is playing mobile games,Rena was sleeping

Stella:Aisha solve this

Aisha:What? me again?

The principal awakens


Stella stomps her desk while shouting



After school they went outside in a method of control


Eve:This method of education is double

Diligent type

While in the locker room

Rena:well i still take notes,so oh...well...when is the last time i took my notes from my locker?

all-nighter type

while walking

Raven:...Internet cafe.....

Escapist type

while revewing

Elsword:Its hopeless there's no way out,what do i do Panics type.....we never did any of this


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