7. Going Home

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"Gin," Su called down the hall at St. Mungo's. "Patient in number four!"

The elderly nurse was leaning precariously over her desk, waving a chart in the air as she tried to catch Ginny's attention.

For the third time, Ginny was attempting to leave. When she heard Su's voice, she dropped her head back with a groan and then looked over at Harry, who was walking beside her.

He knew exactly how she felt and he hadn't even been the one doing the work. It seemed like they'd been at the hospital forever today, going from room to room and patient to patient without a break.

If I see one more child with boils on their face, I'll probably be able to heal them myself, he thought, having watched her do it at least fifteen times today.

"We were so close," he murmured, gazing longingly at the door as they came to a stop. He looked over, meeting her weary gaze with his own. His hand slipped into her hair and began massaging her neck. Tingles shot down her spine as she dropped her head forward with an appreciative moan to give him better access.

"How horrible would it be if I just left?"

"I didn't hear anything, did you?" he replied with a smirk and she chuckled, only to have Su call her name again.

Ginny sighed and spun around as Harry dropped his hand. Reluctantly, she headed back to the medi-witch station with Harry on her heels, his hands shoved in his pockets.

"I'm sorry, dear. I know you were trying to leave," Su apologized as she handed Ginny the chart. "It's not serious though; just another older brother prank gone wrong or something." She gave Ginny a pitying expression before turning and hurrying off in the other direction.

Ginny glanced at the chart, skimming over the notes before tucking it under her arm and walking back down the hall. Her steps were brisk but lacked their usual bounce as she rolled her head from side to side.

"This shouldn't take long," she said.

Harry could tell she was trying to sound cheerful but it came out mostly as drained.

When they reached the curtain Ginny straightened, seemed to collect herself, and then went in and began talking to the mother and child. Harry's mouth curled into a smile as she transformed from the worn-out person she'd been in the hall to the cheery and alert woman in the exam room. Adjusting his baseball cap, he lounged against the wall, watching her through the gap.

His gaze remained focused on her while she spoke to the mother, miming directions with her hands. After a few more seconds, the mother nodded and left, passing him without a glance as she walked down the hall.

Harry's skin tingled as the woman passed him. Turning his head, he watched her closely until she disappeared around the corner. When she was gone, he looked back to Ginny. He narrowed his eyes as he stared at the boy on the bed.

Something was off.

Shutting his eyes he reached out with his senses. When he found what it was, he shoved off the wall and drew his wand.

He came through the curtain just as the boy was reaching for Ginny's hair. Without giving it a second thought, Harry shot a spell him. It hit the boy squarely in the chest, sending him flying off the bed as Ginny looked up in surprise. She cried out in alarm as the boy hit the wall with a loud smack and crumpled to the ground.

"Harry! What..."

Ginny began to move around the bed to check on him, but Harry grabbed her arm and jerked her back.


The unexpected spell sent Harry's wand flying out of his hand. He and Ginny spun to find the mother pointing her wand at his chest.

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