Avoiding the Maknae

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"Fuck, my head..." Namjoon groaned as he woke up slowly. He raised his head to see Yoongi standing his doorway.

"Hyung, what happened?" Namjoon asked innocently.

Yoongi laughed, taking a few steps towards Namjoon. "You don't remember? You don't fucking know what the fuck happened!?"

"I don't remember anything unusual..." Namjoon replied. Yoongi scoffed sarcastically, harshly turning to leave and slamming the door shut.


Yoongi went down to the kitchen to make some pancakes.

Jin was there too, making himself a toast.
He was one member that Yoongi got along with despite how he treated Jungkook.

"Hey, hyung," Yoongi greeted softly.

"Hey, Yoongi," Jin replied sweetly.

"I was just gonna make some pancakes."

"Ah! Can I help you?"

"If you agree to make seven." Yoongi argued passively.


Yoongi smiled lightly.

Jin kept his hand in Yoongi's shoulder. "I'm sorry about what Namjoon did to Jungkook. I know you and him are close. If you like him, Yoongi, that's fine. If you don't feel about him as we do, then don't worry, I'm not mad. But do you think that we could not tell Namjoon or anyone else about what happened? If he doesn't remember. And I don't know if the others know what happened either."

Frankly, Yoongi wanted to say no. He wanted to make Namjoon realise what he did and make him pay for it. But instead of arguing with his elder, Yoongi hummed a subtle agreement.


Jungkook went downstairs to get a drink from the kitchen when he saw Yoongi and Jin cooking.

"H-hello, hyungs..." He greeted shyly. Yoongi could tell he had been crying.

"Hey Kookie," Yoongi opened his arms and allowed Jungkook to run into them and find comfort.

"We're making pancakes, want one?" Jin was genuinely only being nice because Yoongi was there. But either way, both of them knew that Jin would never hurt Jungkook physically or emotionally.

"N-no thank you, hyung..." Jungkook stammered. He felt somewhat uncomfortable talking about food with someone he didn't trust just yet.

"Bullshit. You have to eat, Kookie. Come on, please?" Yoongi begged, pouting slightly.

Jungkook smiled softly. "I'm really not hungr-"

Yoongi wanted to scream all the reasons why he didn't believe Jungkook. But instead, he calmly took a deep breath and ruffled Jungkook's hair, noticing the red tint on the younger's cheeks.

"I'm making you pancakes and you're not saying no to it." Yoongi leaned in to whisper in Jungkook's ear, patting his shoulder and turning around to face the cooker.


All the members had finished eating - even Jungkook. With great difficulty and drama, Yoongi managed to feed Jungkook about a quarter of a pancake. Namjoon and Taehyung had to try hard to control their laughter at the scene but soon managed to do it after Yoongi almost threw a fork at Namjoon; hardly for the fact that he was laughing but for what had happened last night.

Jungkook, however, had run off to the bathroom right after consuming the portion of his pancake. Yoongi had a pretty good idea of what he went to do and he sighed at the thought.

"See? So useless..." Jhope muttered, nudging Yoongi.

Yoongi groaned and brought his fingertips to his forehead as Jimin and Jin watched in amusement.

"I am so fucking done." Yoongi said through gritted teeth as he stood up and started walking towards the stairs. "Jungkook!"

Jungkook flushed the toilet, sitting with his back against the wall after he was done throwing up his "meal" and rinsing his mouth.

"Jungkook." Yoongi almost shouted at them shaking frame as the opened the door. "Please... just eat. Jungkook, I'm literally begging you..."

"I can't! Hyung, stop! Please, you can't make me do something I don't want-"

"You want to die and I'm not letting you do that! This! This is fucking suicide! Fucking realise that you mean something to me for fuck's sake, Jungkook." Yoongi continued as he let his tears out. "Why are you trying to take my only source of happiness away from me...? You're my only source of happiness, Jungkook. You're... you're my best friend..."

I want to be much more, Jungkook...

Yoongi turned around to wipe away his tears.

Jungkook stood up slowly, placing a comforting hand on the older's back. "Hyung... I didn't know it affected you that much." he whispered softly. His heart ached at the thought of hurting his hyung. His hyung.

You'll never like me if I tell you how much I like you, hyung...


"Guys," Namjoon started, "Why does Yoongi hyung suddenly hate me so much? What happened yesterday?"

Taehyung spat out his coffee, almost choking on it. "Let me take your plate, hyung." he said quickly, standing up.

"I asked a question. What are you hiding from me, guys?" Namjoon urged.

"What did happen last night?" Jimin and Jhope asked in unison.

Jin took a deep, sharp breath. "Guys, help me clear up."

"Why can't anyone just tell me what happened?" Namjoon shouted, losing his patience at last. "Stop hiding it, hyung! Tell me!"

"Shut up, Namjoon!" Jin yelled back, "Don't shout at me. You can wash the dishes, Namjoon."


"You've been through a lot, Jungkook. It's okay to cry. I'll stay right here." Yoongi comforted the Maknae who had burst into tears due to finding Yoongi's words too overwhelming. "Shh... it's okay, my Kookie. It's okay..."

Jungkook curled further into a ball on the bed as Yoongi took his frail hand in his own large ones, sadly noting how bony Jungkook's fingers had become.

"Hyung, tell me what I did!" Namjoon's voice came from there doorway, making Jungkook flinch and try to hide.

Jungkook panicked, wanting to get away from there. From Namjoon.

"Jungkook! Stop, stop, I'm here... it's okay," Yoongi hushed.

"You didn't do anything, Joon. Now please leave us alone."

"Everyone's acting suspicious. As if they're hiding something..." Namjoon pouted.

"Joon. Leave! Fuck, Jungkook, shh..."

"He's not a baby for fuck's sake..." Namjoon muttered. "He can control himself."

Yoongi scoffed, anger fuelling him. "I'd like to see you control your sexual fantasies..."

Namjoon almost laughed, "What?"

The older groaned, "Glad you don't get it. Please leave."


well then

oh! thank you so much for almost getting this to 100 views in such a short time lmao

thank youu~

hope u enjoyed this crappy chapter xo

vote and comment xoxoxox

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