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Do Kyungsoo's POV

Kim Jongin, also known as Kai, took orders from no one.

I repeat. NO ONE.

So, it was really no wonder that he glared at me, slowly lowering his raised fist and shoving the poor guy aside, and releasing the death grip he had on that guy's shirt. He motioned to his fellow cronies to hold onto the guy before slowly closing in on me.

"What did you just say?"

I gulped, but maintained a brave front, pointing to the guy he had been threatening previously.

"Let go of him."

He took another step closer. Alright, did anyone just hear my personal bubble go "pop"?

"And if I don't?"

"Er…I'll punch you! I have three black belts!" Well, it does not hurt if he did not know that one belt had pink sparkles on it, the other had little white skulls and the last was the rust belt research for geography. He raised one eyebrow in question and scoffed, "right." I leapt into the kungfu move that I have perfected from watching kungfu panda a billion times and glared at him.

"Come any closer…" and I trailed off for him to fill in the blanks himself.

He took another step closer. The ass.

Bracing myself, and my knuckles, hoping against hope that it would not hurt too much (for me) and I jumped up, swinging my fist at him. But as my incredible luck would have it…no, I did not crush his nose or anything so glamourous…I tripped.

Pathetic right? I know.

I flew towards him, and before I knew it, my swinging arm hooked itself around his neck and my face crashed into his. Weirdly enough, his lips instantly sought mine out, and he melded them together, first kissing softly before he pulled me tighter against him, and he became fiercer, more passionate, and insistent, demanding then gentle again, pressing a final soft peck against my lips before pulling away. He continued to hold onto me while breathing heavily and he looked slightly dazed as he grinned boyishly at me.

"Well…that was…"



The moment was broken by the subdued whimpers of the poor guy I had forgotten about somewhere between the cornering and the kiss. Noticing that Kai was still in some sort of a little haze, I asked.

"You liked it?"


"Wanna do it again?"


"Will you let him go?"

"Yeah…WHAT? NO."

I leaned in closer to him and when my lips were just a breath away from his, I muttered a barely audible "Please?" just barely touching his as they moved. His breath hitched and he sighed resignedly before motioning to his sidekicks to release the guy. And, boy, did that guy move fast when he sprinted away. Kai grinned at me and moved in for another kiss. I pushed him away gently and entangled myself out of his arms. Disappointment visible clouded his face, but he let me go.

"Why are you leaving so soon?"

"Don't get used to kissing me! You won't get to do it again! Toodles!" I wriggled my fingers at him, before jetting when he looked outraged.

An angry Kim Jongin is scary.

"You will! You just wait."

Right, buddy threatening someone is the best way to make him/her kiss you. Seriously, why are so many girls in love with this…barbarian anyway? Well, besides the fact that he has great abs, a strong, chiseled jaw, deep swirling eyes …okay, stop giving me that why-are-you-so-stupid look, I get my own point now.

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