Chapter 20

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Today is an exciting day. We get to reaveal the gender of our baby. And the name we've chosen. There's 2. Neither me or Niall know what the gender is. The gynaecologist gave us a letter with it on which we gave to the balloon people. It's also in a coloured flare.

We've already set up for the party. I didn't allow any of the maids or cooks or cleaners to do it. Me and the boys worked together yesterday to complete it. The whole of the downstairs is decorated. Upstairs doesn't matter as no one is going up there.

The livingroom is half pink and half blue, same goes for the dining room. Our indoor pool also has a few decorations. We've got a bouncy castle outside too for the little kids. There's going to be a few.

We've invited so many people! My stepdad has been invited, much to my fathers dismay. But for once in my life I actually feel close to him. Me and Blake have created a friendship between us somehow.


"Kenzie beaut, all the guests are here. Has the food been started yet?" Typicall Niall.
"Yes it has." I didn't hear what he said as he ran off, presumably to get food. I don't know what it is with him but he will eat for hours on end. How?

"Kenzie, how are you?" Karen came up to me and gave me a small hug.
"I'm fine thankyou. Before you ask, Liam's been fine too. Well behaved as usual." She chuckled.
"That's good then." Niall came back over with a plate full of food.

"I'll leave you to it. Oh and I think it's going to be a boy by the way." She winked at us before walking off. A lot of people have said boy. Me and Niall are kind of hoping for a boy but deep down I really don't mind, boy or girl.

"Which name will we get to use? The boys or the girls?" I prefer the name we've come up with for our little girl. The boys name we have is cute too but I prefer the girls name. Not just because Liam came up with it but because it's adorable!


"Who's ready? We're going to open the box!" Everyone is stood around us. I've got the flair in my hand and we've both got a hand on the box. Cheers erupted all around us. I think they might just so happen to be ready to find out what this peanut is.

There was a countdown. On 1 we lifted our hands off the box and pulled the tab on the flare.
"It's pink! Pink balloons! Pink smoke! We're having a girl! We get our own little baby girl!" I jumped on Niall and we kissed out of pure excitement.


"Everyone's been dying to know, especially me and Haz. What's her name going to be?" If it was a boy she would've been called Braydon. But they don't want to know that.
"Her name is-"
"Breyah Leigh Horan." Liam looked up in shock at the name.

"That's- that's the name I chose for you." We used the name he chose and the middle name. It was used seperately on 2 different names he chose but we decided to combine it. Her name is absolutely adorable.


"So I know it's all over and everyone's gone now but... I have a surprise. A little present for us all." They're not going to know what hit them.
"We were never allowed one here before. Now that my mother is gone I decided to go ahead and get one. She's currently in the livingroom." The boys all got excited and ran in there.

Harry was the only sensible one and walked in. He was holding Darcy too so it made sense. I walked in with him. As soon as I got in there the three boys were already cooing over the little (actually pretty big) puppy.

"She's so cute! Is she ours?" I nodded.
"Ours to keep." I grabbed her from inbetween them all and held her in my arms.
"What's her name?" She doesn't have one but I have a couple ideas.

"Nothing currently. But I'm thinking either chicken or nugget. Just because of Niall's joy for food and my joy for chicken nuggets." I love McDonald's chicken nuggets especially.

"Chicken!" Niall screamed. Everyone else agreed. Chicken it is.
"Well hello there chicken. You've got a weird name but everyone loves you anyway." She's honestly the cutest dog ever. A little golden retriever. She'll grow to be a good size dog.


There's just a few more things I need to do before this day is over. I've called for a meeting with every servant in this house. Every maid and cook and cleaner. Even the man who works in with the horses currently.

"So I have some news. The people on this side of the room-" I pointed to the left. "It's time for you to pack your things and say goodbye to this place. You're all fired. I'm very sorry." The people I've fired includes Bella. The evil old cow that I really can't stand.

"As for this side-" the right side now. "You all get to keep your jobs." That's all I need to say for now.
"That's it thankyou. You can all leave and get back to it. I'll be hiring new staff soon. Everyone leave please except Bentley." They all started making their way out.

When it was just me and Bentley left in the room I started speaking.
"Let me do all the talking, just listen. I know you absolutely love your job here. I'm not firing you. Instead I'm changing your position. I no longer want you as a personal driver. Instead I'd like you to become one of the cooks. Head cook in fact."

Bentleys cooking skills are perfect! He can cook better than all the cooks we've got already. I only know that as he prepared all the food for today.
"Of course Kenzie. That's fine with me. Thankyou." He bowed to me before leaving the room briskly.

Before I had chance to sit back down. Relly came in carrying Chicken.
"Kenz, is she really ours to keep? Niall said she was and I didn't know if I should believe him or not." She's so funny.

"She's really ours Relly. Chicken is her name." I walked round and started stroking Chicken along with Relly.
"Can we get another dog someday. I'd prefer two. Better to have an even number." She's just like me.
"Of course we can Relly. I'll even let you choose!"

A/n sorry for the filler chapters, I just needed to add something in to have certain parts make sense and let it all link together xx


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