Too Young

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*Yun Hee's POV*

It was another day same routine , I'd be lying if I said I've gotten used to it. I got up took a shower and got dressed in my usual outfit and made my way to work.

I arrived at the hospital's ER , the scene doesn't seem to ever change people coming in doctors rushing everywhere and people crying over their loved ones. I saw Kim Ha Na sitting on a bench watching TV, "Hey, aren't supposed to be working?" I asked her "I don't have any work now I'm on a break" she said while still looking at the Tv.

"What are you watching anyways ?" Looking at the Tv she was watching some kind of performance 7 boys dancing and sing they were pretty good actually.

" Don't you know who they are !?" She looked at you with a shocked expression I nod my head

"They're BTS only the most famous Kpop boyband in the world not to mention they're pretty hot too" I look at the screen again and to be fair they are pretty good looking.

I was snatched out of my thoughts when 4 ambulance cars pulled up and 8 guys where rolled into the ER "All doctors to the ER we have a code Blue, I repeat we have a code blue" the hospital speaker announced.

Me and Kim looked at each other wondering which one of us would have to do it. Our thought were answered when my watch started beeped, I sighed and got up and went to were they took the 8 guys, I opened the curtains and they're only 7 now I guess one is already gone.

They look in a really bad condition and badly injured, I saw the doctors rushing to one of them I went closer to get a better look, he had really sharp features, his hair was blondish silver he was really handsome and looked very young in his early 20's maybe. I lift my head and look at the other's they all look really young.

I was broken by my thoughts again when I heard one of the monitors beeping signaling that one of them was crashing down I looked at my watch *Kim Taehyung 0:03:22* it started to countdown the doctors ran to the silver haired boy trying to stabilize him, I stood there beside him knowing what's gonna happen admiring his face I held his hand "poor thing he's far too young" I said to myself I hated this job.

*Kim Taehyung 0:0:2* it's almost over , suddenly I felt a little tug on my hand, how can he feel me? The monitor showed a straight line. I look at my hand in shock *Kim Taehyung 0:0:0* I let go of his hand quickly, I back away in shock I can't do it, I just can't. I look at the monitor as it started to show a stable heart beat.

"What happened ?" Kim asks with a worried expression on her face, I don't answer I just walk away from her, I need to get out of this place.

*3rd person POV*

They boys were in deep sleep due to today's tiring practice, the driver notices a car that was dying to pass by he let the car pass but he noticed that whoever was driving was defiantly not sober the car start switching lans until suddenly it stopped crashing into some car in front of  them the van driver tries to avoid the collision fearing for his and the boys safety, but his reaction came too late the van flipped a couple times  until it rested upside down in the opposite direction. 

*Taehyung's POV*

We were on our way back to our dorm from practice, most of us just fell asleep since we were too tired we've been practicing since 12:00 am it's 9:30 pm now. It was hard but we wanted to put on the best show for our fans I stared out the window watching the street light as we go. I slowly felt my self drifting off to sleep think about our next concert. I woke up to the car moving ruffly "what the hell!?" I yelled.

The next thing I know the car was flipping a few times until it stopped I felt pain everywhere in my body,I heard sirens coming from far away then everything went black. I woke up to the sound of people running around and screaming code blue "we have a code blue 8 males car accident 1 is in critical condition and one dead on arrival" a man next to me said.

"The members" I mumbled worried about them, everything was blurry again I felt someone holding my hand I opened my eyes a little, it was a girl she looked said I didn't know who she was but something about here made me feel at ease I tugged at her hand and everything went black once more.

A/n hope you guys are enjoying the story so far if you like it please vote and if you have any questions please feel free to comment them ♥️

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