ADHD at Acting School

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7:34am. I've woken up late, again. I couldn't sleep last night, my mind was too active to allow me to sleep as usual... I jump in the shower, rush to get ready, and ask my parents for a lift because otherwise I'd have no chance getting there in time by walking... My acting school have a rule: if you're a second later than 8am, then you're not allowed in for the day, unless you phone in and let them know in advance. I phone them, "Hi, sorry just stuck in traffic but will be there soon!"... I get a bollocking about how I'm 20 years old and shouldn't be relying on my mum to give me a lift into college. They're right, of course, I just wish I wasn't always late... What even is time?

In retrospect, I'm glad I was late and had to get lifts with my mum. It's funny how things work out. Little did I know that by the end of my third year I'd be staring at my mum's corpse in the hospital, at 5.30pm, having only just made it by the skin of my teeth (yet again) to watch her pass away from Cancer. Anyway...

I thank my mum for the lift and go in at 8:01... If only I were a single minute quicker...

I walk into warm up late. Everyone is looking at me... Surely they should be used to it by now? I know I am.

1st lesson - ballet. Not my favourite sport in the world but at least itll strengthen... Shit, where are my ballet shoes? Are you fucking kidding me? I could've sworn I put them in.. Wait, no, I'm thinking really hard. I didn't pack them. Great.

I go and explain to the teacher I've forgotten my ballet shoes. She tells me I can't be in her lesson. I guess I deserve it. Everyone is looking at me again... No doubt they'll ask about that later.

So I sit outside and watch in through the window. I mean, It's not my favourite class in the world but damn I am bored.

Okay, onto the next class - voice work! I go in, monologue to hand ready to try my best, as this is one of my favourite classes...

"Today we'll be working off-text. Who can go first... Ah, Luke!"

Are you shitting me. Why me. Why. I've tried so hard to learn this fucking thing and it just won't stick in my head.

"uhh... I haven't managed to learn it yet".

The teacher gives me that look as if to say oh come on. It's not that hard. You're right, it shouldn't be that hard... Why can't I learn this? It shouldn't be that fucking hard.

I can see people whispering to each other and sniggering... I know, my brain is messed up. Why can't I get normal things complete like this?

Next, Jazz. Finally I can relax, I don't need any preparation for this class, hopefully I won't fuck it up!

About half way through the lesson the teacher starts to talk about a specific move. I wonder what I'll eat for lunch later? Maybe a panini? Not sure if I'll have enough money for the meal deal but hopefully I...

"LUKE. Why are your arms folded?"

I look at my arms and realise, indeed, that they are folded.

"You look lazy and like you don't want to be in this class"

Why did my mind wander like that?! I was really enjoying this class, I don't want to come across as though I'm not! I realise I'm very cold, that would make sense in all fairness.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to look lazy, I was just feeling cold."

"Cold? Cold? We're dancing, you're meant to be warm"

I have 0% idea of what is going on in reality right now, my daydream was nicer...

"Tell you what, let's warm you up! Run down to the train station and back. And to prove you went there, grab a leaflet or something".

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2018 ⏰

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