I'm a What?

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Chapter 1- What just happened?

        I stood in a room crowded with people doing what they were here to do. Moving our house again.  My parents where off doing business and what not, with who knows what, in who cares where. This would be my fifth move in two months and I was getting too use to it. I didn’t even have friends! I hate having to go to a new school almost every week and I haven’t even gotten through a single lesson. I didn’t even know why I had to move in the first place, I mean my parents were always away so I didn’t really see the point in moving when there not even here to do anything with ‘their precious daughter.’ But I was a good little girl so I shut my mouth and did what I was told, I swear I’m going to need mental help here pretty soon if it keeps on going like this. People were always in my house always and I didn’t even know who any of them were! There were parties every week almost, in honor of one of their accomplishments and of course I had to help clean up because even the maids had trouble keeping up. And I hardly got any sleep because the constant parties kept me up, but at least I was ahead in my work and got all my homework turned in all the time.

        The movers were loading the last of the knickknacks and whatnots in the van, whilst I just sat on the sidewalk and watched. I was listening to a new song that I had made a few weeks ago. It wasn’t really that good of a song and I'm no singer, but I didn’t have many songs to be picky about. The workers slammed the door to the back of the vain; taking their time to make sure it was locked tight. Wouldn’t want to break any of the prestigious Doiteain family property now would we. Not that I really cared it was all just something to ‘fill’ an empty house that could never be warm or sheltering. In fact it was more like a prison than anything else. I didn’t hate my family especially my mother she says she cares about me, but if she really did she would be here at least for a few day a year.  I mean if I was to just drop dead no one but the servants would care enough to attend my funeral, but it wouldn’t really matter nobody would come visit me or burn incents so what point was there in life. There wasn’t one I was just a poor pathetic rich kid who had to deal with her parents being away all the time boo-ho get over it. That was all I could think to get me through some days. It wasn’t all bad though I wasn’t completely alone, I had my servants and some of them really cared about me. Like our chef Mike, and the head seamstress, Nelia they were like an aunt and uncle to me. They were my family. As long as I had them too look after me I knew I wouldn’t kill myself. It’s not like I want to die, but some days I just want to curl up in a ball and make the whole word go away.

        I looked back at the house I’d lived in for no longer than three weeks. I never really got to explore the maze of a house, but I guess it doesn’t really matter now… as I looked in the shiny gleam of the window that once held my room. There looking back at the girl with purple hair and dark forest green eyes that had once been the window to a very fragile soul. Now there was just cold ice nothingness that showed through, I didn’t let anything or anyone get to me. I was no longer the crybaby I used to be, I was too much of a burden to Mike and Nelia already. Bad enough that they have to look after me in my parents’ stead, but they also raised me from when I was just a little lass and to me that was enough to gain my trust, respect, and love. When I was about ten I decided that all those people that stared at me in the hall didn’t matter anymore. I wasn’t being mean but I was a Doiteain and we were no pushovers. We had pride that would crush even a lions’. That was what I was taught by my father and his co-workers, but Nelia also taught me that a gentle sprit and a soft spoken word could shake even the pride of a Doiteain. So I always tried to open up but after seven years of being so prideful my quiet nature had to fight just to shine through my harden mask.

        The yelling of Mike telling me it was time we get gong snapped me out of my delusions. “What were you thing about Clare?” Nelia asked once I reached the car. “Oh, nothing much. Just remembering what little I have to remember is all.” I replied with a smile, forced of course but not even the people that raised me could tell or at least I hoped. It was good because I would hate to worry them more than I had already did. “I see.” She replied looking skeptically at me. “So where are we headed this time?” I asked leaning onto the ledge of the open car window. Mike replied this time from the driver’s seat, “Weren’t you paying attention to a word we were telling you?” he asked sounding quite annoyed. My silence was the only answer I gave him. He let out a heavy sigh as he replied, “We’re headed for the country-side to live with your grandparents for a while.” I smiled happily closing the trunk to the little black car. “Are you serious? I haven’t seen them in years. I wonder if they still remember my name?” I asked coming up to the right side of the car, whose door was ajar. “Oh of course they do Clare!” Nelia said with a clap of her hands. “They aren’t your grandparents for nothing you know.” With a sharp nod I was about to climb into the car, but it didn’t matter that I was only just a few seconds from safety. It didn’t matter that my live may have turned around if I had only gotten in that stupid car sooner. It had always amazed me how just a few short seconds could change a person’s life forever. In my case however it ended my life. A drunk had just run me over along with tarring off the door, it didn’t hurt and at least I was happy when I died. I just wished Nelia hadn’t had a front row seat to the whole thing. That, that precious, pure girl hadn’t seen the after math that was now my mangled, torn up, bloody body, I would have given anything to erase that moment from her mind. She didn’t deserve to see that; no-one should ever see such a horrific thing. I saw the whole thing as if I was a bystander and then I was gone.

        When I woke up the next morning….wait I'm dead how does this makes sense! And of all the places why did I have to wake up in someone else’s bed…… man this is a REALLY bad day. But hey at least I'm clothed in the same clothes I was killed in but hey better than none. I'm up and wide awake now and headed out the wooden door. In fact the whole place was made of wood I found out when I exited the door with the room number carved in it. I heard voices coming from downstairs. They sounded to be two male voices one older than the other and sweeter as well. Figuring I’d be found eventually anyway even if I did hide I headed down, slowly, quietly but I did get down eventually. The sight I saw before me wasn’t as bad as I would have imagined. There were just two guys sitting on a wood table with wooden chares in a nice cozy dining room with a window to the west side. One was quite older than the other his white-silver showing his age with pride, the other had dark red unkempt hair and looked to be about a year or so older then me. The older one looked up from his boiled eggs and looked at me like I belonged there. “Well, hello there little lass” he said with a small smile and a happy note in his voice. “H-Hello sir?” I stuttered out. “No need to be so formal lass. My name’s Cormack, and this here is Lorcan.” He said pointing his thumb at himself and the younger man across the six person table. Lorcan just nodded his greeting and I gave him the same ‘cursory’. I then turned to Cormack, curtsied, and replied, “It’s a pleasure Mr. Cormack. Me name’s Clare.” “Pleasure’s all mine little lass. Now why don’t you come and get some breakfast, you must be starved after a rough journey like that.” Cormack pulled the seat half out so I could sit by him, and I nodded my thanks. “Well don’t be shy little lass dig in plenty to go around.” He said as his wife I assumed put three large eggs in front of me and with a quiet ‘thank you’ from me I dug in savoring each bite.

        After breakfast Mr. Cormack’s wife, Annie, led me into the lounge/living room. She didn’t stick around cuz she had laundry to dry but promised the boys would be in as soon as they finished clean the dishes. I felt bad and offered to help, they would have no of it. So there I was alone in yet another wooden room it was gorgeous though. It had a HUGE fireplace on the north side of the room and was made up of different stones, and it adorn three deer heads and several antlers from varies animals. The room itself was suctioned into two parts by a long leather couch. One side had two bookshelves reaching the ceiling and filled to the brim with books, it also had a bear rug and four chares facing each other. I sat on a wingback chair close to the fireplace on the other side of the room.

        Just then Mr. Cormack and Lorcan walked in, Mr. Cormack looking really proud of himself while Lorcan looked really mad. He was so mad he was shaking with his fists balled complete with white knuckles. Wonder what got him so mad he looked ok last time I saw him. Oh man I'm in so much trouble, I knew I shouldn’t have eaten all their food and slept here, which wasn’t really my fault I crashed here I had no control over that bus still their going to kill me, or make me their slave or something I just know it.  Awww man…….

        *Cliff-Hanger!!! Well sort of…. anyway I really didn’t know how to finish this out so I just decided to end there. Any who this is my first story on Wattpad and I hoped you enjoyed it. Leave a comment telling me if you liked it or not. Thanks Guys!!! <3 TenxTen   oh just in case.... Copyrights included

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