Chapter 2

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Hey all!! Sorry this took SOOO long. With school and all I just could never find the time to write. And my computer decided it hated me and died. Again I’m sorry for the delay. Enjoy!

                They had me cornered. Well not really but my feet refused to move even an inch. I was frozen and just plain out of luck.

                “Well this is it I’m gonna die. They are gonna kill me,” I thought to myself.  A small voice in the back of my head told me otherwise, but I didn’t listen to it.

                “So what kind of wolf are you Clare?” Mr. Cormack asked me, whilst sitting in the wingback chair to my left.  I looked at him like he had three heads. What on earth is he talking about? I’m no wolf.  Thankfully Lorcan spoke up.

With a sour, annoyed look on his face is spit out with a thick Irish accent, “Answer the man Clare. What kind of wolf are you?” And so my rescuer failed. Again.

I’m sure I looked like a confused puppy with my head tilted to the side. “I’m not sure what you mean.  I’m not a wolf.” I replied. They looked at each other for a minute, with the same gleaming look in their eyes.

“Lass, you mean to tell me you don’t even know what you are?” Mr. Cormack continued knowing my answer, “You’re a werewolf.” He stated with pride and a far off look in his eyes like he was remembering the glorious past.  Again I looked at him like he was crazy. These people were absolutely crazy! Completely mental!  Lorcan sighed deeply as if dreading what he was about to do or say. And with a sharp intake of breath and a slight nod in Mr. Cormack’s direction, he turned into a wolf. Wait what! He just what?! I couldn’t believe my eyes; this was crazy, it was impossible! But I have to admit his wolf was gorgeous. He was a beautiful black color with a tint of red when the light hit his fur just right. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. I could see myself running with him through the forest and playing together.

“Do you believe us now lass?” Mr. Cormack said pulling me out of my daydreams.  I was too speechless; too shocked to talk so I just nodded my head. “So my dear, your parents never told you,” he continued once I shook my head in response. “Shame,” he replied with a shake of his head. “You would have made a wonderful Luna. But what’s past is past. What we need to do now is get your wolf to come out. When did you turn 16?”

“Last week.” I replied. He paused for a few minutes thinking I presumed. Lorcan just looked at him in question.

“Hmmm, well I guess you were going to turn tonight, if you would have lived that is. This is quite a predicament Lorcan. Now we have to force he wolf out, and you know better than anyone how painful it will be.” Mr. Cormack said looking down at Lorcan’s wolf thoughtfully.  Lorcan looked at me, studying me, and then turned back to Mr. Cormack. “Well little lass, you are a very lucky pup. Lorcan has agreed to train you. You will want to die at first, but in time you will become much stronger and be able to handle the change. “

I nodded fiercely. Something deep inside me told me that this was what I really wanted, so I followed it. And I mean really what did I have to lose?  I was already dead.

“Very good then, your training starts tomorrow morning.  Lorcan please show Clare to her room.” Mr. Cormack replied. Lorcan nodded his large, black head and walked out of the room with me in toe. He led me back to the room I was in when I got here.

I thanked him and walked into my room, showered, changed into some clothes that Mrs. Cormack left on the bed, and went to sleep. I had a big day tomorrow and I figured I needed all the energy I could get.

Sorry again for this taking so ling. But Thx SO much for all the votes, reads, and comments. With Love TenxTen

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