Not Your Normal Love Story

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Chapter 1: The Hotel Hallway

Picture of Alex on the side >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

~~~~~Alex's POV~~~~~~

Hi my name is Alexa Coursey I'm 18 and I live in Atlanta, Georgia with my bestest friend in the whole wide world Bailee Tucker. I have light brown hair that goes just past my chest, its wavy but I sometimes straighten it! I have hazel eyes and I am 5,5 and people say I'm really light but i always object. Bailee and I live in these really nice apartments near our school we go to in Atlanta. My Mom lives close by in Alpharetta, Georgia so we stay in touch.

Today we are currently in New York city for my cousins wedding. We have to attend her wedding party afterwards even tho Bailee doesn't know my cousin. She tagged along I'm guessing because she had nothing better to do.

~~~~~~Bailee's POV~~~~~~

Hi my name is Bailee Tucker I'm 19 and I live with Alexa Coursey in Atlanta, Georgia were we also go to school. My family lives in Cumming, Georgia so were not that far away from each other. I have aqua-blue eyes which everyone says are really pretty and such, but I don't think there anything special. I have red straight hair with a little natural blond highlights. It goes down to the middle of my chest. I am 5'6 and I'm average weight.

~~~~~~Alex's POV~~~~~~

"OH MY GOSH! Alex its 11:30 and I'm really tired from the plane ride yesterday! Can we please go back to the hotel room" Bailee complained to me.

"Sure, I am to. I will go tell my mom and we can catch a cab and head back" I walk over to my mom and try to pull her away from talking to some random relatives but she just pushes me away, so I just say "Bailee and I are heading back to the hotel, were very tired"

"Ok i will be back by 3am. Have fun girls!" She said turning back to the people she was talking to.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bailee and I arrive back at the hotel and hear faint screaming, but we didn't stop we just kept walking. We get to our room door then I realise my mom has our key "SHIT" I say as a throw my sparkly clutch on the floor. I was really looking forward to laying down on the sofa in my pajamas and watching films for the rest of the night. As Bailee looks at me like I have two heads and a confused look on her face.

"What is it!!" shes says worried.

"My mom has the door key!" I say as I go sit down on the floor resting my head on the cool cream walls.

"Oh..... well she will be home in a couple hours, so we can wait out here, I'm sure it will be fine" Bailee said sitting down next to me.

I just nod my head up and down while slowly drifting off. Oh how I would kill to take these heels off. Before I let my sleepiness take over, I turn my head to Bailee who was already softly snoring. Then I can't help it anymore and I fade into darkness.


I am woken up by very faint laughing and I slowly open my eyes to find we were still in the hotel hallway. I look at my phone. 1:06am. Bailee was still asleep beside me. Then the laughing gets louder and I see a guy running down the hallway towards us with his hoodie on backwards. Then another figure appears out of the same hotel door.

"LOOOOOOOOOOUIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WATCH WERE YOUR GOING" The other boy screams down the hallway in a husky British accent that I reconized from somewhere but couldn't quite put my finger on it.

Then the guy who was apparently named Louis, tripped over my legs and landed on Bailee waking her up in a panic. Then the other boy came running down the hallway to the fallen boy and hit me over. The guy down the hallway was HARRY FRICKEN STYLES!!!!

~~~~~~Bailee's POV~~~~~~

I was in happy sleep then out the blue I felt something heavy land on me and wake me up! I jumped up very quickly and pushed what seem like a boy off.

"GET OFF ME FATTY!!!!" I yelled a little to loudly to the boy that had landed on me. He had on a purple hoodie backwards with the hood up covering his face. I turn my head and find Alex staring at another boy running down the hallway to 3 other boys. That boy just so happened to be HARRY  FLIPPIN STYLES. So that must mean...... I turn to the boy that fell on me and he took his hood off,  I just stood there with my mouth wide open. It was THE LOUIS TOMLINSON!  I almost scream when he says "Oh I'm so sorry love!" He hops up and sticks his hand out for me to get up. I don't hesitate to take it.

"What are you guys doing out here in the the hallway?" Harry asked. His lovely British accent ringing through my ears.

"Well..." I start to say but then I'm cut off by Alex

"My Mom has our door key and shes at my cousins Wedding party" She said a little bit to excited. I mean who wouldn't be! We LOVE One Direction.

"When will she be back" Harry asked

"Umm.... I think she said 3...." I said looking over to Alex for conformation.

"Well we can't have you two lovely ladies out here in the hallway at night. Would you guys like to come in our hotel room and wait. You can meet the other boys if you like?" Louis said happily

"Okay!" we chorused together


Authors note: Hope you like this chappie know its kinda short but the next one will be longer and more interesting and love might start brewin! Please share this story with other people on here I would love to get at least 100 reads! PLEASE VOTE and COMMENT! I would love to hear what you think about my story :)<3

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