Little Robin

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My life wasn't great. My mother was the town of Derry slut, and I was the sluts daughter. School was hell because of this, boys older then me and younger had expectations of me and often expected me to perform the same deeds as my mother. I refused of course. School ended early today. I rushed away from the crowed, out the doors and into the street. I ran down the road, the objects in my backpack  shook violently. Down two blocks, past the well house, take a sharp right and their was a peaceful little road covered in the shade of large trees. I sat on the curb in front of  a random  persons nicely built house. Placed my head phones on my head one ear was uncovered so I could still hear the chirp of birds, the other could here the rage of my music. I played wolf in sheep's clothing whenever I was mad, it calmed me. I then removed my sketch book and begin violently scratching against the paper with my pencil. 

      I drew a picture of a young girl named Ellie, I hated her she hated me.
All my pictures were mostly of people i hated, something usually bad happens to them in all my drawings, it helped me feel better to see them suffer, even if it's only on paper.

"Hiya, Robin" a childish yet raspy voice called from the gutter, I jumped my pencil flew from my hand and fell into the gutter. Damnit I cursed at myself, I wouldn't be able to finish the picture. I studied the place i herd the voice. "Hello?", nothing called back.
'I'm going crazy' I said to myself backing away from the gutter, my pencil then flew out from the drainage system and hit me in the face. "What the heck" I said rubbing my nose.

"Nice picture, someone you hate?" It said again, the tone in its voice changed from low to high pitch.

I crawled closer to the entrance of the gutter. "Yes actually","who are you?" I questioned.  "Why, I'm pennywise the-" he shook his body, I could hear bells jingle "dancing clown" he finished his voice was like a grown man attempting to speak like a 5 year old boy. His face was a pale white like paper his smile was large and his lips were an amazing shade of dark red, the red makeup lined the corners of his mouth forming a smile that reached up his face and above his eyes. His eyes. They were a crisp blue,
Like looking at the ocean from above.

"Amazing" I whispered to myself. He smiled, his cheeks were child like and his front  teeth were like that if a rabits. "Why so grumpy today?" He asked a slight giggle in his voice.

Deep deep down I wanted to run, I mean why would a clown live in the sewers, but another part of me wanted to stay. I was a strange girl I wouldn't deny that, I enjoyed the strange things in life. And he was strange.

"Bad day at school, those are the worst, down here hehe all we do is float, it's very fun" he said his smile widen, he voice changed tone in every word, it would be high then low then high and low again.

"Is that so" I answered I studied his face, he would be a perfect subject to my art book. "Can I draw you mister, um, mister-" "pennywise" he finished my sentence his voice almost sounded offended to me forgetting his name so quickly. "Why not" he shrugge, " oh, oh but you should come down here, you would be able go see me better hmm" he was trying to convunce me into going into the sewers
I almost did. "Their you are, for fuck sakes child, I've been looking all over for you!?" A car had pulled up, my mother yelling from the drivers seat.

I turned to her so she knew I had herd her yell, then turned back to pennywise. "I have to go, I'll be back" I didn't wait for him go respond I just grabbed my bookbag and ran for the old tan car. I hopped into the back, I didn't think for a second about telling her about pennywise, for one she wouldn't believe me and for two that women didn't deserve to hear about my life.

We drove away and made our way to our not so humble home. I hated that house, it smelled of weed and sex all the time. "Now when we get home go straight STRAIGHT to your room I have a guest on his way and I don't need YOU getting in the way" she said taking sips of her ciggret then blowing the smoke out the window. I rolled my eyes and re opened my bag. 'Shit' I cursed at myself, I had left my sketch pad back at the curb. I crossed my arms in defeat and pouted the whole way home.

We arrived home. The old house was ugly compared to the other houses on our street. I opened the car door made my way up to the house and then opened the front door. I entered and the same stale smell of weed and sex greeted me. My face turned in disgust. I marched my way up the stairs and down the hall to my room. My mother said she was having a guest. I knew what that meant, another night of attempting to sleep to the sound of moaning and the banging of her beds headboard. Not even my closed door could give me the relief of silence.

I laid my bag on my unmade messy bed and flicked the light on. In the far right corner were my only window was I had a desk. On the desk was my sketch book opened to a fresh page, a red balloon floated peacefully over it. I walked over slowly, and studied the words written on the page in red with my index finger


It read. I looked up at the balloon and grabbed the string holding the balloon over my head. My eyes widen.


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