Will or will not

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Happy new year. It's long over due but here it is...

Fun Fact 3: Jungkook was suppose to die before the birth of the triplets and from a car accident. There was no step child as well.

3rd Person POV

During the 12th week of pregnancy, 3 weeks after Jungkook's death Jimin got a call from Jungkook's lawyer informing him about the reading of Jungkook's Will.

"I can't believe I have to see those people again. I can't even get a separate reading!" Jimin complained to Taehyung over dinner. He always made sure that Jimin had his meals even when he didn't was to and kept him company most of the time to stop him from slipping into depression.

"Should I go with you in case you need back-up? It's just going to be you among a pack of wolves." He offered.

"Yeah that would be nice. He said it's tomorrow at 6. Let us use my car. It's a bit of a lengthy drive so I will drive there and you can drive back." He explained to his friend.

"No I will drive its fine, you can't drive a long time in your condition." Taehyung protested.

"I am pregnant... not crippled but you are right its better if you drive, I could sneak in a few minutes of sleep." Jimin confessed.

"Why? Are you not getting enough sleep?" He asked full of concern. "I am trying to get as much work as I can while I can still move around which looks like it won't be much longer. I am getting more tired with each passing day and have you seen me? I look like an elephant!" Jimin chuckled but he was convinced it was half true.

It was great to see that he had not lost his sense of humor listening to him joke reassured Taehyung that his friend would be ok. "I have seen you, you look like a pregnant elephant." After Jimin playfully glared at him they broke into a fit of laughter.

"My last meeting tomorrow is with the Adams at 3 hopefully it won't take too long and I will be done by 4 thirty, we can leave then." He told his best friend. "I thought Melaine was handling that." Taehyung asked confused. Jimin had reluctantly agreed to have interns and long term employees handle consultations on their own. Was he really going back soon his word already?

"She was suppose to until we met the bride's mother two days ago and she is a pistol, Melanie can't handle her, you know how soft she is. If she doesn't toughen up I am going to have to move her to a different department maybe Jon Huynh can take her." Jimin said with a sad look in his eyes.

Everything he seemed ok, Taehyung was worried that Jimin was using work as a coping mechanism. He was a widow who lost his husband and life partner in an instant and he didn't give himself enough time to really deal with the loss.

At night Taehyung could not sleep, he was thinking about Jimin and his feelings for the shorter man. Fate had given him a clear answer, he had to be a father figure for Jimin's children and he welcomed that role wholeheartedly. It was too soon to confess his feelings for Jimin but soon he would do it. He felt so bad thinking about himself when Jungkook had only been laid to rest only three weeks before.

Jimin had reclined the seat a bit to take a short nap. It was the end of a very busy stressful work day, Jin and Namjoon were babysitting overnight so that was one thing he did not have to deal with. Yet he still had to deal with all the crap he knew was coming from Jungkook's parents. To top it all off his back was killing him.

"Are you sure you are ok?! Do you want to go home? We can just let them know you are unwell." Taehyung looked over at his companion while also keeping an eye on the road. Jimin shook his head no. "No... I am ok. I will feel good as new after my nap."

The drive took about 1 hour 35 minutes and as said Jimin did feel a bit better. 'Ok Jimin you can do this. Just ignore them and leave as soon as it's over. You have Tae with you... You are not alone.' Jimin mentally prepared himself.

As expected Mr and Mrs Jeon spewed insults as soon as they walked through the door. As he had prepared himself Jimin ignored them and waited for the lawyer to begin.

"Good evening everyone. Let's begin, we are here for the last will and testament of Mr Jeon Jungkook Justin. Doctors confirmed he was of right and healthy mind at the time this will was written. If you have any questions or queries please voice them after I have finished so we can all go home as soon as possible, I am sure Mr Jeon is tired." The lawyer said eyeing Jimin's belly at the end indicating he was aware of his condition much to Jimin and Taehyung's shock. No one  besides the two of them knew and Jimin was not showing enough for people to notice but apparently this guy is some sort of  baby detector.

"You can argue the results in court if you wish but I would advice against it. This Will is airtight.

Mr Jeon has 10.8 billion dollars which will be divided as follows; 500 million for his four children to be left in the care of their father until they are of age, the same amount for his sister and parents each. Bringing the total to 3.5 billion. The rest totalling 7.3 billion dollars goes to his spouse Mr Jeon Jimin." The lawyer was cut off by Mr Jeon banging the table his face all red. "That is outrageous! There has to be a mistake... how can this thing get all my son's money?!"

"Mr Jeon I specifically asked that you only comment at the end so if you have another outburst I will have no choice but to ask you to wait outside. Am I clear?" The lawyer warned. "Yes." He sat back down dejectedly.

"All his company shares which amount to 70 percent. His parents, his children and sister will each get 5percent amounting to 35 percent, the children's shares shall be in the care of Mr Jeon Jimin until they are of age. All five of Mr Jeon's estate shall go to his husband along with all other properties such as cars and all the small stuff. Mr Jeon Jimin also gets full custody of Alex Jeon, his stepson. Now you may ask or voice your queries." The lawyer concluded his speech.

"I guess this heifer really did bewitch my son. How can he give him everything?! Does that make any sense?! What kind of nonsense is this huh? I am taking this to court. This is just unbelievable!" He yelled at the lawyer and at Jimin.

"Even if you went to court, I am giving you my professional opinion for free, the conditions of the will cannot be changed." The lawyer calmly replied through his irritation.

"What about my grandchildren? He gets him too? What on earth was he even thinking. They say it's useless to raise daughters because they leave and take care of someone else but it's useless to raise sons as well!" He ranted.

"Of course he seduced our son and tricked him into marriage, into having children and even in death he still has his claws hooked into my son. I will not allow you to sink your hooks into my grandchildren as well!" Mrs Jeon sneered.

"They are not your grandchild he is my kids and you will never have them. You know in my coming here I was going to hand whatever I got back to the family but seeing that you haven't changed even after Jungkook's death, I am keeping it all, every single penny. My husband was a smart man I am sure he thought this through and I will do and keep what he wanted me to keep. You will be seeing me at every shareholders meeting..."


Despite being slapped by Mr Jeon Jimin continued talking, "I am looking forward to being above you. Just you wait, I will show you what an unknown bloodline's wrath is like old man." Venom was dripping from every word he said. Just when he was about to slap him again, Jungkook's sister and Taehyung stepped in.

"Mum, dad... that is enough! I am so embarrassed because of you two!" She yelled at them and apologised to Jimin before she walked out with Mr and Mrs Jeon behind her.

"Ah... Jimin before you leave, Jungkook said to give you this." He said handing Jimin an envelop addressed to him.

Ah finally wrote something. Out of all chapters I have written this one is probably the closest to my writing style. I usually write in third person.

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