Forward by the authors

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Hey guys! Activerios here. A short forward is in order before we jump right into the story. This book is a collection of dreams that came together and somehow became an account - don't ask me how, because I don't know. Just because I am the team leader doesn't mean I know why or how these things work. Anyways, I am just here for some basic info you need to know about the book.
I am now the team leader, if this thing gets up and running again. -Ray

First and foremost, I am writing with the most amazing band of authors possible. We have an all around talent team, plain and simple. Wyrdkeymulticoloured-, and KnightRolePlayer, are the best possible team for a project like this.

[Shoutout to missmadichristine, who was there to start this project up but left. We miss you!]

[Shoutout also to Ultimate_Swordswoman, who was there in the beginning but went inactive&deleted. We'll always remember you!]

Speaking of the project, now to get down to buisness. This story is not written by one author, as previously said. The order in which we write is simple - We have an order we write in. Swordsman first, then Wild, then Knight (replacing Swordswoman), and finally, Ray. Then, the process begins again.
Take note, this order will only be used once we get everything up and running smoothly. Until then, it will be whomever is on or able to post a new chapter.

Before publishing, we sit down and talk about the chapter in question - we review it, edit it, and rewrite. Then, we do so again, and publish. There is a lot of work that goes into this kind of stuff.

Speaking of which, this story is not just that. It is a symbol to show our friendship. We will not be writing the same. That is not how this works. We all are individual, and our writing is just as much of an individual as we are. So you will - not may, will - notice things such as tense shifts and POV changes from chapter to chapter.

Anyways, we hope that you enjoy the fruits of our labor - please, don't be afraid to vote and comment. If anything, we encourage it - it helps us know that there are people out there who think our time writing was worth something. Comments are used to further better our story beyond our five authors worth of knowledge.

So, welcome to The Century Project, and as the team leader, I can say for the whole group - we hope that you enjoy.

-The Swordsman

edited by multicoloured- on 10.6.15

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