Chapt. 3-Master

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Mark's POV

March 25, 6:35 AM

I knew it. I knew that this controlling monster that I've never even seen before would ruin these guys' trust.

I don't even know if those sandwiches were poisoned. But if they came from Master, they probably are

Why am I listening to him? Why am I following what he says? It's suspicious enough that I came out of nowhere, but the shit that Master is doing? Why? What can he do?

"I'm glad you didn't even those sandwiches."

Everyone stops. Turns around. Glaring at me.

"We're dead deep in the woods and you're confessing some shit now? What is it?" Jinyoung says. He's right. I waited long enough.

"Master is controlling me and I can't handle it anymore. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I don't know if those sandwiches were poisoned but I think we all know that Master isn't trustworthy."


We all look at Youngjae.

"I feel fine. I mean, it's been hours and I haven't felt a thing. Kinda tired though."

"Youngjae, we're all exhausted."

"Maybe we should rest then. This is a nice spot. Empty area. Hey, maybe Master can send down some sleeping bags! Master!?"

"That's not how it works. I don't think he wants to help us." He doesn't.

"Why would he send down food? Why would he tell us where to go and give us a compass?" Jaebum seems to be all on Master's side with this.

"Yea, well why would he tell Jackson that you were bring some, poison, then tell you to use it as a fire starter? Why would he make me obnoxiously polite, knowing damn well we're all being fucked over by this trap?"

All silent.

"Let's rest. Please. Before a fight breaks out."

Youngjae, the optimistic. Even more than me.

"We're not fighting, just, arguing. But you're right. Let's sleep. In the dirt."

Jinyoung's POV

March 25, 3:04 PM

I'm awake. Everyone else is still asleep. Am I choking? Is somebody choking me? Everyone is asleep though... I see 5 people. Asleep. There's six of us. Seven.


I couldn't breathe or scream for help. But i could bite. Don't ever cover somebody's mouth when trying to kill them.

"Awh fuck!"

Out of the choke hold.


I turn around. I tall man, with dirty gray hair and a black bandana covering his nose and mouth. He looks frightened. Young. Dirty. He must've been out here for a while.

"What the hell is going on?"

Finally. Jackson's awake.

"I need food. I heard you have sandwiches. Where are they?"

"We don't have them. Who the hell are you?"

"He's Yugyeom," I say.

"How do you know? How do you know who I am?"

"There's seven of us now."

Everyone's up.

"Who is this?"

Great. Big leader Jaebum. Ready to act like he owns another one of us.

"I am Yugyeom. The seventh member of your tribe. Now that we're all together, Master is gone and we must work together."

"After you just tried to fucking kill me?"

He removes his mask.

"I wasn't trying to kill you! Master told me to do that just to wake you up. He said that once we're all awake together, he'll leave us on our own. I wanted him gone."

We all groand after hearing that. On our own? I'm pretty sure we all have a grudge against each other.

"Fine. Let's all forget the shit that has happened. We're all stuck alone until we're out," Jaebum says, glaring at Jackson. Jackson can't even twitch an eye when hearing Jaebum's voice. Jackson is a fucking baby. He overreacted over a container. He still won't forgive Jaebum.

Yugyeom's POV

March 26, 1:20 AM

Atleast I'm used to the darkness. It's dark as hell and only 3 of us are out to get food. Me, Youngjae, and Bambam. The other four are building a shelter. We should be fine

"Guys... I think I see him again." Youngjae's voice is quivering.


Youngjae points to the denim wrapped around his arm, covered in dried blood.

"The one who did this."

"Where did you see him? What does he look like?"

"O-over there. You can't see his face. He's wearing all black. A black mask. Covering his entire face. A black hat. A black suit. Black shoes. I'm scared. He's after me again. He's there. I see him. I see him. BAMBAM I SEE HIM. Please. Don't. Turn. Around."

I see him.

I slowly pull the dagger out of my pocket and I take my bandana off. His face is covered. Hopefully he can't see us.

I begin to mouth my words.

"Bambam. He is RIGHT. BEHIND YOU. You are not going to turn around. YOU are not going to turn around. We are leaving. Now. Bambam. Walk forward."

The leaves crunch.

The man holds Bambam in a choke-hold. Goddamn. What a time to joke about to coincidences.

Before I can even tell Youngjae to run, he's already more than halfway back to the others.

I'm running closer towards the man. With my knife in my shakey hand. Bambam seems to be holding fine. But it's dark. I can't see who is who.

I can see Bambam and the mysterious man, that seems to just be a silhouette. He lets one arm go, stops choking Bambam and holds him with one arm. He pulls a dagger out of his pocket and holds it to Bambam's neck.

I point my dagger to the man as he holds his dagger closer to Bam.


"Yugyeom, please go. You've done enough. Let me go," Bambam says, not looking too scared.

"You can't di-"

"Yes I can. What's the point of living in a trap anyways. I barely know you. Just go."

The man's knife gets closer. The blood starts to drip from Bam's neck as his face begins to finally express pain.

As I put my own dagger away, the man slowly pulls the knife away.


The man holds onto Bambam, moving the knife to his stomach.

I can't let him die.

I can't let anyone die.

What should I do?

A) Wait and stall for a bit. The longer it takes, the more of a possibility that Bambam can get out of this.
B) Go and leave Bambam behind. He isn't important.
C) Attack the man.

Reader, decide.

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