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Ok, so im gonna try and make this as short as possible because im sure you are all very eager to look at my Hammy ham sketches. I draw literally all the time! And since I share the biggest love for musical theater, broadway, and Lin Manuel Miranda ( he has the most brilliant mind) most of my drawings are of the hamilton characters from the play or either my own characters that I've created. Oh, and im recently working on a hamilton fanfic called " Alexandria Hamilton ". If your wondering why I've called it this I'll explain later just leave comments if you really want to know why or are interested in my fanfic. I haven't put my fanfic up on Wattpad yet because when I write stories they are extra long because I like to get into lots of detail ( smut included ) but anyway im trying to write like five very long chapters to fill your imaginations because im the type that hates when an author will post one chapter but then just leaves ya hanging there waiting like😯😫😤..... That's why im going to write five long chapters so I can have time to write the other chapters, im a dedicated writer and won't leave you hanging!
A-a-ron Burr: " Why do you write like you're running out of time?!"
Me: " Shut up A-a-ron let me finish talking!"
A-a-ron Burr: ( rolls eyes)  " well, you said you would try and make this as short as possible so why don't you talk less and smile more ".
Me: " Bish don't make me Bur-der ( murder) you! Ahahahahahaa*wheeze*
A-a-ron Burr: " Stop with the fucking Burr puns! They're not even frickin funny!
Me: " One- they are funny even if the pun is corny and Two- I won't stop if you can't stop interrupting me while im talking to the readers! ".
A-a-ron Burr: " Fine, im going to tell Hercules that you don't deserve what he's giving you on your birthday. "
Me: *gasp* " You wouldn't! ".
A-a-ron Burr: " Kaitlyn. "
Me: " Sir? ".
A-a-ron Burr: " Catch me outside! ".
(😂 lol see what I did there?😂)
* Burr starts motioning to the door as a signal to step outside *
I'll be right back readers, I have some business to take care of.
( Twenty minutes later)
Hah! You got knocked the fuck out! Burr, it's a shame really. That you get beat up by a girl. Oh well. Burr won't say shit to my Hercubaby, I kicked his ass, and now im off the hook! Phew. Aaaaaaaany way what I was going to say before I was so rudely interrupted* glares at Burrs unconscious body * ( sigh, he'll be fine) creativity is my speciality. I lean more towards the creative side I can sing, dance, draw, act, and I have a musical ear, for those of you who play instruments you should know what I mean by that. When I draw sometimes I don't finish it, I lose interest but I come back to it eventually and it turns out to be beautiful. I will be showing you the ones I haven't finished but when I do complete the sketch I will show a before and after. One more thing, I need you guys to let me all know who is your favorite ( you must choose one person) character from hamilton. I am planning on writing Hamilton one shots and there will be four main characters that will be mostly written about throughout the one shots. Three will be of my choice and they are * here comes the general * George Washington ( I absolutely adore washingdad), * everyone give it up for America's favorite fighting Frenchman* Lafayette ( les frites les plus francaises), and last but not least * we had a spy on the inside thats right* Hercules Mulligan! ( my Hercubaby, giant teddy bear, and straight up husband💋💋❤❤💞). Ok so these three men are my pick, it's up to you guys to to pick the fourth hamilton character that you want to see most throughout the one shots! Once I receive the comments I will count them and see who got what and will post the results once I start to write the one shots. This authors note is long enough so just go on ahead and look at my drawings, feel free to follow me or hit me up with any story requests. Enjoy✌✌

Hamilton Art book- Artist Kaitlyn Coker (me) a.k.a. Ezmerailda151515Where stories live. Discover now