Look Behind You (A Short Mystery)

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It was a typical night. I just finished eating dinner and as usual, I'm walking my dog, Jack, in the woods. The moon was out tonight. It was our only source of light since we basically lived in the middle of a forest and it sort of reminded me of werewolves. 

I was only a few metres away from the house when I heard my mom call out: "Abigail! Be back in an hour okay?"

I quickly shouted back a response of "Yes Mom!"

We were walking on our usual route but I was feeling adventurous tonight. Plus, the moon was shining really brightly so I wasn't too worried about getting lost because I could probably find my way back easily.

I found the two-pathed way we usually come across every night, but this time, I decided to turn to the left instead of the right. While we were walking along the path, I noticed a thin layer of mist around the area. It started getting quite chilly but I wasn't too creeped out. I walked on, dead leaves crunching under my feet. Jack started barking but I didn't know why, until I noticed a mansion. I probably didn't notice it before because of all the mist.

It looked kinda creepy but then maybe my mind was playing tricks with me. It was dark and I was only with Jack so I suppose that it's normal?

But then I heard the door open with a squeak. Jack ran inside the house. "Jack! Come back here!". But he didn't come back. Then the wind started howling. I was getting more and more creeped out by the second. I didn't have a sweater with me so it got pretty chilly. I tried calling Jack one more time. This time, Jack barked back.

I decided to run into the house since Jack was in there alone. He was probably all worked up since it was pitch black in there.

As I stepped into the house, the door slammed behind me and a couple of lights turned themselves on. At that moment, I saw that the house was pretty big and had a flight of stairs. "Okay.. This is getting really creepy."

I heard Jack bark from somewhere above me. "Jack! Stay where you are! I'm coming to find you! We have to go ASAP because this place is seriously creeping me out." As I walked up the stairs, I noticed the photos in the frames that were hanging on the wall. The pictures were all in black and white. They were all pictures of the people who must have lived in this house before. I noticed how all of the eyes were following me and I started getting goosebumps.

I quickly ran up the stairs and called out to Jack once more. But this time, I heard a blood hurling scream. "Jack!" I ran along the hallway and saw a couple more pictures. Their eyes all staring at me.

I came across a room with a good sized bed and flower wallpapers. I noticed that there was a computer and that it was switched on. "That's weird. All the pictures are in black and white and there's a computer here. Wow. Okay then."

There were barely any lights in the room. Only the soft glow of the computer screen. I looked around and noticed a small figure lying on the floor. Jack. I walked up to him. He wasn't moving.

"Jack?" I already knew I was talking to myself. He wasn't moving and he didn't respond. I knelt down and saw that his eyes were gone and a small pool of blood surrounded him. "No. No no no. This cannot be happening. Jack!!" I sobbed.

Suddenly, the computer made a bleeping sound. I tried to ignore it but the sound only got louder. Bleep bleep bleep bleep! I decided to check it out. On the screen, I saw a chatbox. I quickly wiped my eyes on my shirt and read the message.

"Abigail. What are you doing in my house?"

I quickly typed: "Who are you?"

It said: "I'm Zoe. That used to be my bedroom. What have you done?!"

Woah. I so got creeped out by that. "Nothing! I accidentally came across your house while I was walking my dog. Zoe, what's going on? Someone killed my dog and stabbed his eyes out!"

Zoe typed back. "3 years ago, I heard a strange sound. I didn't know what it was so I just tried ignoring it. A few minutes later, I turned around and this guy with a chainsaw shouted a blood hurling scream."

I was getting worried. I quickly typed back: "I heard that too!"

"Well get out of there before..."

It ended. I panicked. "Zoe. Zoe?! Where are you?"

She typed. "Turn around."

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