Chapter 1

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It's finally up, my dudes. Sorry for slacking off AGAIN AHAH.

Enjoy! :)

Serena's P

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Serena's P.O.V:

"Serena, when do you want to get laid?" Dawn asks.

I roll my eyes. Out of all the questions there is in the world—she decides to ask me a question I don't know the answer to?

"I prefer not to answer." I respond, as I gather the garbage and unnecessary clutter from my book locker. Of course, she ignores me.

"Eh. I wanna do it when I'm engaged."

I roll my eyes again, letting a chuckle escape from me. Dawn and I have been friends for over a decade. From preschool, to our sophomore year of high school—we're inseparable, an iconic duo! She's reason why I'm so dirty-minded. Damn you, Dawn.

"Why in the world would you want to know such a thing?" I ask Dawn.

"I don't know." She plainly replies, changing the subject. "How much shit do you keep in your locker? Goddamnit, Serena!" She exclaims, pointing to a deconstructed chocolate muffin. "That's literal dinosaur shit right there!"

Again, I roll my eyes. "Stop exaggerating. That's a chocolate muffin —the one from 2 weeks ago?"

She giggles. "Right. A "muffin." For all I know it could be probably be someone's dick you chopped into pieces for Christ's sake."

I slap her arm, now feeling uncomfortable. "Have you ever heard of a bar of soap?" I ask jokingly. "Use that and clean your mind!"

"Nah. You just think I'm thinking wrong because YOU think wrong." She says, poking my forehead.

I laugh and watch as her eyes follow a blonde-haired junior.

I smirk. "Go up there and ask him out." I dare her, "Do it, you won't!"

She scoffed, "You know I don't have the balls to do something like that."

"Um!" I loudly exclaim. "Says the one who slapped Gary's ass last year....not to mention, in front of the WHOLE school!"

"Psh. That was last year, Serena! Plus, Gary was my boyfriend, he didn't mind."

"Yea—" I say, the school bell cutting me off."

"Whoop! Last period!" Dawn exclaims, flailing her arms in excitement. "Ready for Ms. Baca, Sere?"

"Nope." I answer honestly. Baca scares the shit out of me. She's a hyperactive crazy cat lady who has favorites. And I'm certainly not one of them.

"I don't get why you hate her." She says, as if she had read my mind. "I actually like her."

"How?" I ask in disbelief. "I think she's on drugs. She's fucking insane." I murmur as we begin walking to our classroom. English used to be my favorite subject. Baca's the only reason why I don't wanna go to school. Well, that and P.E.

We arrive to her classroom shortly after. As we walk in, I nod and give her a smile.

Dawn nudges my arm. "You are such a fake!" She whispers, lightly chuckling. "One minute you talk shit, the second, you smile at her like you've been friends for years! Dammit, Serena."

I laugh, pushing Dawn towards her seat. I take out my notebook, and the book that we're currently reading and analyzing for English.

As I flip through my notes, I suddenly hear Dawn giggle from across the room. There, she's got her phone out—and she's recording this boy with jet-black hair, with brown eyes. This boy probably did something funny; otherwise, Dawn wouldn't have recorded it. I've seen this boy around the school. Although, I don't know his name. All I know is that he's running for the class of 2019 treasurer.

"Whatever." I mumble to myself. "I'll just ask her about it later."

The bell rings, and Ms. Baca comes in. Ms. Baca is about 5'5, and in her mid 40's. She's a veteran and has served in the military...which, I guess, is why she's so strict. She has honey-blond her—much like mine—but I guess it's a bit darker. She has hazel brown eyes, and eyes that kill your soul like a motherfucker. "Hello, wonderful ones!" she exclaims.

"Hello Ms. Baca." the rest of the class grumbles.

"Dawn." Baca says, putting her in the center of attention. "Why do I see your phone out?"

"Oh." Dawn says, shoving her phone in her backpack. "Sorry, Ms. Baca."

"No, no, no. It's fine." Baca replies. "I'll just take away five points. No biggie!"

"What the fuck? That bitch!" Dawn mouths, an angry expression set on her face.

I shake my head. This pretty much happens every day. Someone gets in trouble for some dumb shit—then Baca takes points away, and sends you to the main office.

Which is why she scares the living smelly shit out from me.

Our holy Arceus...please help me survive another day in this class.

please help me survive another day in this class

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So I know I said that I'd update 2 days ago...well yeah....

I didn't. *inserts lenny face* but whatever I got this shit done and it's all that matters XDDD.

Btw, this chapter is truly based on personal experiences. Yes, the conversations between me and "Dawn" (my best friend's real name is Daisy) were real LOL. xD Daisy's dirty-minded and I love her for that. GAHAAHH and yes, I still have that same English teacher (Ms. Baca( TILL this day...hope she never reads this :')

AnywaysSsSSSss, that's it for chapter 1! Hope you enjoyed! What do you think will happen in Chapter 2? Let me know!

I love you, my angels! 💜

I love you, my angels! 💜

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