Chapter 6

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Bella's pov

When me and Alexia got home my dad was standing on the lawn and my brothers in the porch and dad said Bella what is going on and I said just wait I'm going to put Alexia to bed then we will talk and dad said fine and I walked inside the house up to my room and but her in my room and she said I love you momma and I said I love you to and she was asleep within second so I kissed her head and made my way downstairs.

When I got downstairs I saw my dad and my brothers and the rest of the pack there to my brothers must have told them and as I was about to talk my dad said Bella who is that little girl and Sam said dad that little girl is called Alexia and she is Mr Levi daughter she has become very close to Bella these last few weeks and dad said ok why is she here and I said she is here because when I went to her house there was a vampire there and he tried to bite her before I ripped him apart and burned him in werewolf form.

Sam said but Bella why is she here and I said she is here because I'm going to adopt her and everyone in the room just looked at me like I was mad and dad said you are only 28 years old Bella you are not adopting a child and I said I will and I am and when she gets up I am taking her to the town hall and adopting Alexia and then me and Alexia are getting out of town and you will not see us until I am god damn ready and with that I ran upstairs and started to pack my bags and when I was done with mine I went and packed Alexia's bags and went out to the car and put the bags into the boot and went back inside and up to my room and waited for Alexia to wake up.

A couple of hours later she woke up crying and said momma scary dream and I climbed onto the bed and hugged her and said hey baby it's ok darling everything is ok and she said ok and said mommy were is my stuff and I said its in the car today when I finally make you mine we are leaving and starting over in a new town won't that be fun eh and she said yes momma yes momma.

I started laughing at her and said to her ok let's get you ready ok and she nodded and ran to the sink and got washed herself and ran over to me and said mommy can you get me ready and I said yes sweetie pie and I got her ready and I said let's get you breakfast before we go and she said yes please me hungry and I lifted her up and brought her downstairs to the kitchen.

When I brought Alexia into the kitchen my dad and the pack and my brothers was there but I ignored them and went over to the kitchen table and sat her on a chair and went over to the breakfast cupboard and said ok Alexia we have brand flakes and frosties what would you like sweetie and Alexia said brand flakes mommy and I said ok sweetie and poured them out and gave them to her and looked at my dad and my brothers and the pack and they were shocked that she called me mommy.

Alexia said done momma and I said ok honey would you like anything else and she said no thank you and I said ok let's go to the car and get you buckled into your seat ok and she said ok and held her arms up showing me she wanted me to carry her so I picked her up and brought her to the car and put her into the car seat and buckled her into it and said I'll be back in a minute sweetie ok I forgot my purse and she said ok momma and I walked back into the house.

I ran up to my room and lifted my handbag off my bed and put my phone and my purse which had 4 bank cards in it with over 8 million on each card and ran back downstairs only to be stopped by Jared before I went out the door and I said move Alexia is in the car alone and he said so and Sam said we are your family not her and I said you aren't acting like my family so you aren't my family anymore and dad said Bella please don't do this we can work this out someway or another and I said no I'm leaving and that's final you have no control over me anymore you are not my pack and you are not my ALPHA dad and with that I disclaimed him and them as my pack members and family Joshua if your lucky we will be back in 10 years time I can't be sure but goodbye for now and with that I pushed Jared out of the road and made my way to the car then I heard dad order me to come back but I new it wouldn't work because he's not my alpha anymore.

I got into the car and Alexia said are we going now momma and I said yes darling we are and I drove to the court house.

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