The Hopeless Nobody

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Chapter 1

Why does math have to be difficult!?!?! Math does not agree with me. My math teacher gives out about five pounds of math homework per a night. My math teacher says I just need some motivation. Trust me I have a motivation….. Of staying on my tablet longer. Hey I didn’t say that it was a good motivation. Every year my math teacher gives 100 page math review book for a Christmas present. That’s great fun too☻ (Sarcasm, again). Speaking of Christmas 19 more days till Christmas yay. I want a new tablet and an Ipod5 and a new phone. I got a Smartphone but I want an Iphone. I also want a new computer…. A touch screen. My parents are really rich. My mom is a model and a designer. My dad is a director nothing big but his next movie is going to have Selena Gomez in it. My sister is a designer. My brother is a music producer. So my family is practically legendary. I live in California I go to a special school it is made for people who is not challenged in regular school and a lot of the people there are not even smart. They are just rich and pretty. My parents get me many things for holidays. “Peyton!” That’s my mother I look just like her we both have the same curly blond hair but I dipped my hair into a purple dye. We both have blue wispy eyes and soft honey skin we are both thin too. “PEYTON! Danny is here.” Danny is my best friend her real name is Danielle but I call her Danny. Knock! Knock! Knock! I just realized I heard Danny come up the stairs and I didn’t say anything or greet her. Danny has brown hair, green eyes, and tan skin. “Come in.” “Oh my goodness did you see the new issue of Teens for summer one direction is having a new type of clothes line squeeeeee!!” Danny squeals. She LOVES One direction a little too much, like, way too much. I know that I have to act all excited to make her happy so I do. “Oh my goodness really?” Hoping she would say no but of course she is always right. For real…… know that we absolutely need to go buy the whole wardrobe right?!?!?!?!?” That was exactly what I was afraid of. Then she started to talk about our other friend, Choco and how her brother was cute but I really was not listening because I was daydreaming. I was dreaming about my crush his name is Brian kai Ulery. He is the cutest boy in the whole 10th grade. Yesterday he asked me what pi equals on the math test of course I said no but then he said he would take me to the High school homecoming so I said no again then he leaned in and said you look really pretty then I said I that I didn’t care about what he thought then I gave him the answer, he is adorable. “Peyton are you listening?” I wanted to tell her about how much I liked him but she likes him and that would be awkward. “PEYTON!!!” “What?!?” I didn’t notice that she was saying my name. “I Said do you know what I want for Christmas but since you didn’t answer the first time I’m not going to let you” Oh no I thought but I didn’t dare say it  because I knew I she would probably hit me so instead I said what. “Well I want a new phone and a new website. What about you?” I should probably explain, her mom and dad are famous website designers so on every special occasion she gets a website but lately her parents added a webzine feature so Danny has been practically begging for a website.“Well I want an Iphone and a new tablet and a touch-screen computer.” “Let’s go to the mall.” “What for?” I didn’t hear her answer because she ran out super fast.

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