Everynight I cry and cry and cry. My best friend told me "we will find that door, someday". I feel more calm if I heard that. :)
"Why? Why me???" I said that to my friends. But, if I said that, they're just silent. When I sleep, I always hope. That door will show. But, I think that won't be happening.
Today, my best friend ask me something "Why your mom know about this world?". I'm not say anything, because i don't know either. Then, I saw a cat with a beautiful small bracelet. I called her Noviana. Noviana can talk, she said "I think I know you" then she run. I think I should follow her, then I follow her. I saw a small house with a lot of purple flowers. Noviana went to that small house. After she back, she give me a letter. I think that letter is so old. When I read it....
"If you read this, then you are my child. I hope it's not to late. I can show you how to go back to your home. 1. pick 10 yellow flowers. 2. give water to that 10 yellow flowers. 3. sing." I don't know what she is talking about. Sing? what song I have to sing it?