Pitch black. That's all I could see. It was... eerie, at first. Then it got flat-out horrifying.
My name is Jackson Wyatt, and I'm afraid of the dark. Yeah, it's kind of weird for a seventeen year old football player to be scared of the dark, but if you went through what I had to, you wouldn't blame me.
I was at home, alone. My parents were at a party about an hour away, and they would be staying the night to avoid any drunken assholes that would be out. The freaks come out at night, right? Anyway, I was sitting on the couch watching "It" when this massive storm hit. The power went out, and I was left in the dark. The only light I had was from the flashes of lightning every few seconds.
I sat, and waited. And waited. And waited. The storm just kept raging on outside like my mother when she looks at my grades. Deciding it was too late for me to just sit and stare aimlessly, I decided to lay down on the couch and try to sleep. Sounded like a good idea, at the time. When I laid down, though, I felt like someone was watching me. I tried ignoring it, and just closed my eyes... That's when I heard it. Faint breathing, right across the room from me. Then it got louder. Almost like it was moving toward me... Lightning flashed and lit up the room, and I saw nothing but my furniture. Nobody was there, but I could still hear the breathing. This time, it was behind me.
That's when my horror-movie sense started to kick in. Don't look behind you, don't go into the closet, don't hide under the bed. So naturally, I turned around. HUGE mistake. Crouched on the dinner table was a scrawny, pale white man. Something was up with him, though. When I got a look at his face, I saw that he had no eyes, and his mouth was sewn shut. I let out a scream as I jumped up, running for the front door in a mad dash.
The door was definitely not that far away, but it felt like I was running forever. The patter of the creature's feet behind me definitely didn't help, either. I turned the locks and threw the door open, and immediately fell backward. I landed hard on the ground, looking in front of me in absolute terror. Outside, I saw nothing. It was pitch black, and it was cold. Like, crazy cold. Middle of winter, cold. Then, right in the middle of the abyss, I saw that same creepy little man. Walking toward me, hunched over, head hanging to the side. How'd he get out of the house? What was I going to do?
That's when everything faded.
I woke up the next morning in bed, both of my parents beside me. I tried to explain to them what happened, but they just thought I was crazy.
You don't think I'm crazy... do you?