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Masky knew Slenderman didn't approve of him smoking indoors, but this was his room right? Why couldn't he just smoke one cigarette? Besides he was upset, its been two months. Two months since Slenderman had sent Hoody ,Toby, Clockwork and E.J on their long mission.

A three month long mission, to be exact. Three months away from Brian, was probably one of the hardest things he had to do. Why would Slenderman send them without him? It was probably because of (Y/N).

He probably didn't want her to feel lonely. But if that were the case, why not just ask Toby to stay? Why was he stuck here babysitting Tobys problem. That's what made him slightly resentful towards (Y/N) and she could tell. She was always a smart one.

She kept her distance, he knew she understood. He felt bad for being mean to her now and then, he just missed his friend. Hence the reason he smoked in his room, why should he have to get up and go downstairs to smoke. He wasn't up for it.

He pressed the cigarette to his lips one last time, he inhaled it's bitter tasting smoke then flicked it out the open window. He exhaled, white smoke escaping his lungs as he did so. He moved his mask back onto his face, then closed his window.

He ran his fingers through his hair, sighing as he did so. He was going to tell Slender that he had smoked in his room, he didn't want to upset Slenderman. That upset him but what could he do?

He stuffed both of his hands into his pockets and slowly walked out of his room. Slenderman's room was down the ridiculously long hallway, Slenderman did love to be dramatic.

Masky reluctantly made his way to Slendermans room. Slenderman didn't typically spend his nights in his room but he had called (Y/N) into his room just before Masky lit his cigarette.

Masky was curious about it but he was going to find out about it one way or another, so he didn't pry into it. That was until he got to Slenderman's door. His hand was on the handle but he stopped himself.

"Are you... are you sure?" (Y/N) asked. Her voice did not sound normal, it was higher and trembling. "(Y/N), I know something when I hear it. And yes I get the irony. (Y/N), do you not trust me?" Slenderman replied calmly. "N-no it's not that but I just think that's not possible." (Y/ N) squealed.

(Y/N)'s pov

This, was the nightmare equivalent to falling into the unknown. I wasn't sad about it but, it surprised me. Shocked me to the point where I had no idea how to feel. "Are you telling me you have two hearts (Y/N)? One in your chest and another in your lower abdomen?" Slenderman asked me in a surprisingly sarcastic tone.

"It's possible, I mean... maybe I've been here long enough to-" "Fall pregnant? Yes (Y/N), that's exactly what happened." Slenderman said, cutting off my insane grasp on sanity. I sighed, sliding onto the bed.

"Aren't you happy?" Slenderman asked. "It's not that I'm not happy, I just didn't think this was going to happen so soon." I said, covering my face with my hands. I could feel my eyes start to water.

"It doesn't sound like you knew what you wanted to do in the first place." Slenderman said. "I never did, but I liked knowing I had any option. The sky was the limit, now I'm flying with the wind." I said, chocking my tears back.

"(Y/N), you know that's not tr-" "He's going to resent me, so is everyone else. Masky already does!" I yelled, standing up, tears now rolling down my face. I rushed to the door, hand on the handle.

"How long have I b-been" "Pregnant?" Slenderman finished my question. "About two months now, I wasn't sure if you were at first-"


"-So I sent Toby, along with the others on that mission. As for why you didn't know, everyone's body is different. You've been feeling sick when you wake up, that was a sign." Slenderman explained calmly.

"Are you telling me, I'm the reason you sent everyone away, because of me?" (Y/N) yelled. The door swung open, catching Masky off guard. He stepped back, pressing his hands against his chest.

(Y/N)'s tear soaked face, which was momentarily just as surprised as Maskys, quickly changed to a scowl. Her sleeved arm quickly hid her face, whipping her tears. "Spare Me." She spat, then pushed past masky.

Masky watched (Y/N) quickly scurry down the hall and into the bathroom she and Toby shared. Masky obviously heard every word that was said in that room, and he did feel a huge pang of guilt inside of him.

Seeing her usual smiling face, covered in tears. Hoody told Masky of the one time he saw (Y/N) cry. It pained him to admit it but seeing her like that broke his heart.

Now he knew how she was feeling about the way he had been treating her, and it's not what he thought at all. He turned back around, walking into Slendermans room. Slenderman was sitting on the bed, with his hand on his neck.

Slenderman then stood up, his tall figure overshadowed Maskys. "Yes, Child?" Slenderman asked with a sigh. Masky was distracted, he turned his head back towards the hallway.

"Is she really?" Masky asked, turning his head back to Slenderman. "Yes." Slenderman replied plainly. "Jesus, Toby. A father? That's fucked up." Masky said particularly to himself.

"So you came to tell me about how you smoked in your room, you know I don't approve of it." Slenderman said, straightening himself up. Maskys heart skipped a beat, Slenderman now had Maskys full attention.

"We don't approve of you reading our minds." Masky shot back, kind of angrily. "Masky! Mind yourself, I know you're missing Hoody but you need to control yourself." Slenderman said sternly.

"I'm sorry." Masky mumbled. Masky turned around and walked out. He slowly walked to the room (Y/N) had stormed off into. He stood in front of the dark wooden door. The golden doorknob, calling for him to open it.

He heeded it's call, and quietly let himself in. (Y/N) was in the corner, her knees drawn to her chest. Her arms covering her face and resting on her knees.

She groand a muffled "Go away." Through her knees. "How did you hear me come in." Masky asked. She sniffed, then lifted her head. She whipped the right side of her face.

Masky went right up to (Y/N), then grabbed her wrist. She looked up at him in shock but anger too. Masky pulled her up to her feet, which she reluctantly did.

He grabbed back (Y/N)'s neck, then pulled her into a hug. She tensed up at his touch, then slowly relaxed. He slowly rubbed (Y/N)'s back in circles, then he quickly moved his hand onto her slightly swollen belly. (Another sign she should have seen.)

And with that she broke down into a sobbing mess, her body nearly collapsing under it's own weight. He held her tighter, he knew why Slenderman made him stay. He knew how much he cared for her, she was family.

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