S-Class Trials

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Jinx off to the side, back against the wall. She was not interested in doing anything. She had worked her ass off and was finally relaxing. She looked over as Marvok, and the S-class wizards were all lined up. She knew that ceremony. The S-class candidates were being chosen. Mirajane, Erza, Gilidarts... The three of the guild. 

"This years candidates are..." Marvok said as everyone gathered. "Cana, Lucy, Juvia, Gray, Freed, Bickslow, Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy, Lisanna, Evergreen, Levy...." There was a slight pause. The room filled with chatter as the last was to be announced. "Jinx." The room fell silent as Jinx looked over in surprise. 

She had only been there a few months and made her way into the trials. "W-what." She said. Mirajane smiles lightly at Jinx as the current S-class wizards were dismissed.

"I spoke to Master Marvok. If you were and S-class before, you can prove to us you are one." Mirajane said walking to Jinx.

"Yes... I was one. But...I hurt so many people in the process."

Mirajane smiled at Jinx. "No need to worry. You won't hurt any of us." 

The trials were soon to happen, and back on the FairyTail sacred grounds. The teams were set up, Cana and Lisanna, Juvia and Lucy, Evergreen and Bickslow, Freed and Levy, Gajeel and Wendy, Natsu and Jinx. It would be rather similar to the trials before that was at the sacred grounds. There would be the three trials. You fought either a current S-class or another team. Then search for the first masters grave. Then the team that was where first was to battle. The last one standing would be the S-class victor. Unless the team were to break then it would be to who made it there first.

The teams were in place going to the battles as each ran into different teams. Jinx and Natsu ran into Mirajane. Jinx stood in shock as she saw Mirajane. "Well this is a nice surprise! Two of the stronger going against me.." Mirajane giggled. "I would love to just let you guys go through but I can't." She said changing into Satan Soul. Natsu looked over at Jinx. Jinx had a large grin on her face. Her hair flaring with a crimson fire and her eyes with fire in them.

Jinx took a breath in. "Roar of the..." A laser like stream directed its self at Mirajane hitting her. "Crimson Dragon!" Mirajane had nearly been knocked back a few feet with her arms in crossed in front of her.

"That was really good Jinx!" Natsu ran at Mirajane as his hand lit to fire running at her slamming his fist into her stomach. Mirajane got thrown back before throwing her first hit at Jinx. "Demon Blast!" A purple beam when directed at Jinx as she created a wall with crimson flames.

"Jinx! Roar!" Natsu yelled as he took a breath in. Jinx did the same.

"Roar of the--" Jinx's beam went as Natsu's mixed with hers. "Fire Dragon!" "Crimson Dragon!" Mirajane was in able to dodge and was not overwhelmed by the blast one bit. The two dragon slayers looked at Mirajane is surprise. Jinx ran at Mirajane her hand clenched into a fiery fist. As Jinx got closer Mirajane ran at her slamming her fist into Jinx's. Natsu stood his eyes wide as Jinx was able to knock Mirajane down. 

"I was the strongest in the camp. I kept them together. I kept them I was the only S-class wizard there.." Jinx said as she looked at the ground. "Nothing is stopping me from getting the title back." Jinx looked over to the gate that was closed moments before. Jinx walked away from Mirajane and Natsu. "We're disbanded Natsu." Jinx said walking.

Just as Natsu did Jinx arrived at the grave.. "Who got here first..."

Natsu said seeing Jinx. "I think me... I am not sure." Master Mavis appeared sitting on the grave.

"Congratulations, Jinx. Natsu. You made it to my grave. Jinx you got here a second before Natsu. And are granted the S-class status!" Jinx smiled brightly. As everyone else arrived to congratulate Jinx on her S-class status someone appeared to be standing in the trees.

"I'll be right back." Jinx said running off. As she ran to the figure she came to a dead stop. "Kikari?" A golden haired boy stood back to Jinx. "Kikari is that you?" The boy turned as it was Kikari.

"Get her!" Two of beings grabbed Jinx's arms and vines grabbed her legs.

"W-what is going on here! H-how did you find this place!" Jinx said in confusion as her hair flaired.

"Jinx you will come back to us." Kikari said.

"I'm not going with you. I am in Fairy Tail." Jinx said quietly. "I'm not going back to that camp."

Kikari hugged her tightly. "Everyone misses you Jinx."

"Kikari... Join Fairy Tail. You would fit in better here. Please. You are to strong for the god forsaken camp. Please just join us. Here you can do actual activities. You can have fun." Kikari looked at Jinx with despair in his eyes.

"No. I can't leave. Lady Fiora is relying on me." Jinx looked down. 

"I can't just leave. I earned my S-Class status. I can have fun and I don't have to clean the damn camp every week. I know you don't either. Join us here. Bring Loki and a few of the others. Please. It would be helping you too. I know that both you and I suffered in there!" Jinx said as the surrounding area rustled.

Natsu, Lucy, Cana... Everyone started to emerge from around them seeing Jinx was bound. "Guys?!" Jinx said as she looked in shame. "Kikari Let me go. Now." Kikari shook his head as he was released. "Now leave. You know how to get a hold of me. Now next time use it and don't come to where I am." She said with her voice stern. Natsu looked at Jinx in suspicion. She was busted. 

Kikari disapeared as Jinx felt overwhelming shame. "Who was that, and why was he here?" Mavis said.

"That was Kikari....He was trying to get me to leave Fairy Tail." She sighed.

"He was the reason why I didn't leave right away from the get go of the camp. He was the reason why I couldn't leave. He  was the reason I am this third generation monster. He is the reason why I couldn't leave. Kikari has lost magic. It's called bound warrior. It can bind any magic if the two are close. He kept mine bound. I wasn't allowed to use it at the camp because I was so violent and desperate to leave I was half tempted to run away. But my powers would be forever bound. Like now..."Jinx said. "It's a weird feeling when powers are bound. I can't use them unless they are unbound. And not many people have the power, in vast amounts to unbind a third generation dragon slayer.." Jinx sighed. She was very dangerous when it came to it. Like Gajeel, she had a second attribute. Crimson fire and Light. 

She hid her power from everyone in fear that she would be locked up either by the kingdom or by the guild.

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