Where's My Sister

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The reflection in the mirror is me, but there's something peculiar about it. My eye's blue, but the left one's... brown!? I remember the trauma I experienced when I found out that my eyes are different colours. Ms Beckham told me that heterochromia happens in rare cases, therefore I am a rare case. She takes care of me at the orphanage. I've been told that my eyes are incredible but I'm used to them so I find them average.

How I got here? I don't remember. I was only told that I was very young and that I had a twin sister but she was adopted long ago.

It's my last night here, so I'm lying in bed contemplating tommorow's plan. My birthday passed, but Ms Beckham let me stay another week. I've been trying to figure out a plan for tommorow every night for seven days but I still don't have one.

"Beep!" my alarm clock goes off. I'm leaving today and I know what I am going to do. I am going to find my sister. I hope her parent let me live with them. If they don't then at least I'll leave with the satisfaction of seeing my sister, but I should pack my bags first.

"Morning Dear." Mrs Beckham says as she enters the room.

"Morning Mrs..." she suddenly hoicks me into a tight hug.

"I'm going to MISS YOU!" she screams as tears run down her cheek.

"Don't worry, I'll visit" I say, hoping to calm her.

"Okay," she sobs, "do you need help?" then I realise I do.

"Where's my sister?" I ask. Her expression transforms anxiously.

"She's with her foster parents. Why do you ask!?" she exclaims.

"Is it wrong to want to know?! I feel incomplete not knowing her. We were born together but I don't even know..." I feel moist warmth dive down my cheek. I start sobbing

"Don't cry, here's the address" she says with a paper in her hand.

"Don't do anything that will get you into trouble or anger them" she says as she writes on the piece of paper.

"Don't worry," I say as I close the bag,"I won't."

I'm standing at the start of a journey. As I look at the paper in my hand, I smile at the thought of meeting her. I wonder what she's like, or what she likes. Is she tall, maybe short? I see the bus stop. I approach it, knowing I will see my sister.

"Pshhhhh..." I hop off once the bus comes to a stop. The street name the distance matches the one on the paper. I pass a few houses. 48...49...50! Here's the house. Suddenly my heart starts beating against my chest. My trembling hand reaches for the doorbell. Ding dong...The door opens, but it isn't a girl.

It's a man and a lady. After we greet each other I enter. I ask them where their daughter is. They anxiously look at each other. The man tells me that they adopted a child who left two years ago. They write down a new address on my paper. I try asking them why the child left but they say it isn't their place to tell. I leave the house after thanking them.

It's strange that the bus had dropped me off at a mountain. Maybe she lives in a cabin here.

Whilst searching, I've discovered a cave. I should do some snooping. It's very dark and cold. I don't think anyone would...

"whoosh!" A blast of wind pushes me to the ground just outside the cave. Lying face-up on the ground, I slowly open my eyes and see a blurry figure emerging from the darkness of the cave. Blinking twice makes my vision clearer. The figure is now a guy wearing a hoodie with its shadow covering half his face, revealing one eye. It's... red! That's strange, but I'm not one to judge. A flame walks from his fingers to his palm. He asks what I am doing here and where I am from, and I answer. He blinks twice, confused. He takes off the hood, revealing a white eye.

"Alice?" he asks with disbelief. Wind from his left hand extinguishes the flame. He knows my name? Who is he? That's when everyhthing made sense to me.

I was looking for my sister,

but instead I found my brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2018 ⏰

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