Origin Of It All - Part 1

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"Angela" Gabriel Reyes called "Commander Morrison wants to see you"

"Ill be right there" Angela called from the room "Sorry excuse me Ana".
She walked down the hall into Jacks office.

"Commander Morrison?" Angela asked waiting at the door way
"Come in Ziegler" He said watching her walk in "I have an important offer that you will have to think carefully about".
Angela looked puzzled "what is it commander?".
"We have been over this you can call me jack" he sajd "anyway we have decided to bring a healer to the front lines and you were selected". Angelas eyes lit up "Ill do it!" She smiled. "You do know you may die out there." He reminded her "So before you begin you will have to undergo a months work of training sessions".
"Thats fine by me If i can help others it will be worth it" Angela stated looking determined. Jack laughed "well if your serious then meet me in the training room later this afternoon"
"Rodger Mor- I mean uhh Jack but i wont need it i have been on plenty of missions before" she said running down the hall. Jack smiled watching her run away "so full of spirit".

That evening angela turned up in the valkarie armour she would be known for later down the line. "So you showed up after all" Jack smirked. "Of course I did. I am gonna prove to you that I'm ready now" she called getting into her battle position.
"Here take this wooden sword cut out lets test your evasiveness" He threw it at her feet and got into a battle ready position. Angela followed his lead and then Jack launched himself at her. She slipped right under him and then used a sweeping kick on his legs causing him to land flat on his back. "Rookies luck" He coughed catching his breath. Gabriel and Ana watched the two from the platform above "Wow Ana your old apprentice is good". Ana just giggled.

"Take two!" Jack called and ran at her again. Angela jumpped backwards his sword missing by 1cm. She jumpped back again as he charged. She repeated this until she was back up against the wall "Gotchya!" Jack called thrusting his sword at her. Angela just lept to the side and watched him run into the wall "really Jack?" She said pointing the sword to his head. "Did she just call him Jack?" Ana asked with a surprised exlression on her face. "Yep" Gabriel answered not takeing his eyes of the two.  "you may be good evadeing with a sword but what about fists?" He asked jogging back to the centre of the room.

They began angela blocked his relentless hits not noticing how far he had pushed her back until she was stuck in a corner of the room. She panicked as Jacks fist flew towards her but he missed placing his hand on the wall. "You let you guard down" he huffed "but you put up a good fight". 'Hes so close' Angela thought her face going red. Their eyes locked for a second before Jack moved. "One last test" he said if you pass you can join us tomorrow". She saw his cheeks were flushed a light pink but didnt say anything. "So the test is" Morrison garbbed two black handguns from the armory rack "we each have a gun with paintballs in it. If I shoot you 3 times then you fail, but if you get me three times then you pass". Angela stared at him in shock but agreed.

The test began. Angela ran at jack but he shot her in the chest simply "thats one for me" he called dodging her next shot. Angela then changed strategies, she darted from side to side in an unorganised pattern landing a shot on Jack "Ha one here too" She smiled. "Not so fast" he called and shot at her. She dodged easily "Jack whats up with your aiming" She called running up to him then they both shot at the same time. Angela dodged it but Jack got hit "Two!" Angela smiled.
'Shes good' Jack thought "alright take this" he shot at her foot tripping her up. She fell face first and dropped her gun to her right "No..." she gimaced. Jack walked up to her aiming directly were her heart would be. "Your finished." He said to Angela as she began to get up. "Am I?" She smirked kicking his feet out from under him causing him to miss the shot. She grabbed her gun and shot his chest again. "Seems your finished" she laughed extending a hand to help him up. "Congradulations you pass" He sighed "Be outside the headquaters by dawn". "Yay!" She skipped away happily.

After she left Ana and Gabriel jumpped down from the platform. "Never seen you beat at your own game before Jackie" Gabe teased "Shes a keeper" he nuched Jacks arm playfully. "Knock it of Gabe" he said looking at Ana.
Ana shrugged saying "Well she was my apprentice". Jack smiled "lets make her feel welcome".

That Night:

"Angela are you joining us for dinner?" Ana called to her. "Ill be there in a minute" Angela called back. She walked in the room with Ana and got stared at by the others. "Whos the preety lady" a cowboy whispered to a larger man with a scar over his eye "dunno" the man responded. Jack stood up as the two ladies sat down "Everyone this is our newest addition to the team Angela Ziegler" He said "She is our healer so be nice to her and make her feel welcome".
"Well howdy partner th' names Jessey, Jessey Mccree" the cowboy introduced himself
"Im Reinhardt, I will be your sheild" The scarred man said gruffly.
"And Im Torbjöurn the turret king" A short man laughed.
They dined that night getting to know eacother .

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