Chapter 1

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You're lying on the white sand beach at an all inclusive resort wondering what's gotten into you to take this trip alone. Maybe you needed to change things up a bit. Well, taking this vacation by yourself is a pretty big change. It never occurred to you to check your dates and now this place where you were supposed to sit back and relax is filled with hot sexy guys on spring break.

Not that you're complaining.

Nope, not one bit.

Large sunglasses hide your gaze as you take a long sip of the hotel's signature fruity drink and ease back into the lounge chair. It's not like you can help it if the guys decided to start playing a hot, sweaty game of beach volleyball in perfect view. You might not be "spring break" age anymore, but the last time you checked, you had moves in bed that could teach these young men a thing or two.

Damn, when was the last time you got laid?

Spinning thoughts pull you away from the parade of writhing muscles and bright colored swim trunks as you try to pinpoint when that was. Has it really been almost three years?

You gasp out loud. It's not that you mean to, it's just shocking to realize how long it's been since you've given into your desires. Not that you haven't had good reasons. After that last relationship, you needed some time to regroup and be single for a while. It was important to find yourself again and realize what a sexy, intelligent and fun woman you are.

Fuck that guy. All he did was drag you down, making you feel worthless. Well, now he's a distant memory and you're living your best life. And that includes a rewarding little getaway that's all about you. Just because. Is there really any better reason?

And you know what they say about vacations... what happens in the tropical resort stays there. Maybe this is what you needed in more ways than one. Sure it's nice to relax, soak in the sun, swim one of the many pools and drink as much as you feel like, but there is one thing that could make it all even better.

You bite your lip at the naughty thought as your eyes travel shamelessly over the hard, tanned bodies of the college guys.

Maybe even more than one.

Heat flushes your cheeks at the idea. What's gotten into you? This isn't how you'd normally think.

Nothing! Nothing has gotten into you for almost three years! Maybe it's time to let those dirty thoughts take over for a bit. Maybe...

A white ball spikes into the sand right next to the lounger and sprays dirt into your drink and across your face. You spit specks of sand from your mouth and frown down at the culprit. The volleyball.

"Shit, I'm so sorry about that," a tall, dark haired man jogs over. He looks genuinely sorry, his thick eyebrows shooting skyward as he closes in on you. "Oh damn, we got you bad," he ignores the ball in the sand and instead lightly brushes the flecks of dirt from your cheek.

His touch blazes over your skin and sends a ripple of desire shuddering through your body. You can't help but notice how his intense green eyes. You breathe in sharply, taken aback by how quickly they draw you in and suck a speck of sand into your throat, coughing loudly.

"Are you okay?" He kneels next to you, gently placing his hand on your arm as you sputter.

"Never better," you joke as you give one final cough.

He laughs and you can't help but join him. The easy way he has is so refreshing. It's nice to not have to take yourself so seriously.

"And we ruined your drink too," he glances over at your face coconut shell cup with the pink straw and little umbrella sticking out of the top. "Here, let me get you a new one," he offers.

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