Discharge Pt 2

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Again another song. This one is a cover though… Janet Devlin- Your song. Please listen it is an awesome song. Enjoy the chapter! I decided to make it two song by Janet Devlin… the other one is recorded in two languages I wanted to do the Irish translation seeing as how it is her native language but I couldn't find the lyrics for it. It is Whiskey lullabies in english so go ahead and look them both up. I'm sorry for the delay, I've had State testing I had to prepare for and I have very little time to write, I'm also working on other fanfictions, 2 that are Rucas and 1 that is Shadowhunters related, they all should start being posted soon but I'm not sure when… without further ado, the next chapter...which doesn't sound complete but it is I swear.

Maya knew the discharge time and was cleaning up their house before they could get home. She looked at the clock, "Two! I better hurry." She looked at the room. There were red and blue streamers in corners that she couldn't reach and a banner hung from corner to corner. She turned a little further. On the chairs were letters and presents covered in ripped wrapping paper, form the cats no doubt. The wall was covered in streamers with balloons tied to them. "Ugh, this will take forever." She started waddling towards the balloons and ripped them down.

Meanwhile at the hospital…

"Riley, wake up City Girl." Riley turned over and slowly opened her eyes. "It's time to get up and get the papers to sign you out." Riley moaned.

"I don't want to get up though. I'm tired." She sat up as slow as she could.

"Says the girl who said she wasn't tired." She glared at him.

"What I get tired after I eat." Then she frowned, she didn't like when she thought he was judging her.

"Hey," He sat beside her and put his hand on her shoulder, "it's okay, I was just teasing." She looked up and he gave her a kiss. As he got up and grabbed his earbuds and phone. As he walked out the door Riley leaned over the arm of the bed and grabbed her own phone and earbuds. She grabbed the bag under her bed and started packing up her stuff. She looked at her phone and put in an earbud. She turned on Janet Devlin 'Your Song'. When she finished packing she took one last look around the small blue room and turned out the door.

It's a little bit funny this feeling inside

I'm not one of those who can easily hide

I don't have much money but boy if I did

I'd buy a big house where we both could live

She headed down the hallway and almost ran into a nurse. "I'm so sorry!" The nurse shook her head and looked at Riley's bag

"Where are you headed darling?" Riley smiled she had become close with these nurses and according to them she kept her childish look.

"I'm heading home. Well in five minutes that is." The nurse gave her a hug and and headed off.

So excuse me forgetting but these things I do

You see I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue

Anyway the thing is what I really mean

Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen

Riley decided to change the song to 'Whiskey Lullabies' by Janet Devlin.

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