Why Ya Boi Should Be Writing Turn Up Yo Holla

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This is a motherfucking essay, my dudes. Holy fuck, what? That's right, a fucking essay. For fun. This bitch about why ya boi should be writing and not wasting his time doing not writing. Buckle yo fucking belts and take a sip of your complementary What The Fuck juice sponsored by I Hate Myself Corporations cause we about to read a fucking essay and attempt to convince ya boi to fucking write!

So point número uno is that ya boi actually loves to writing, fuck, this bitch love writing so much that he bends over and begs writing to slap his masochistic little ass. "God, I fucking love writing," [1] when ya boi says shit like that ya'll better fucking believe him because that shit's fucking truthful. So fucking truthful that even the truthiest of truthers are gonna be fucking gasping at the truthiness of that shit.

Though ya boi hates essays, here he fucking is, writing one for fucking fun. Granted, its two in the morning but hell, what better time to write a fucking essay, my dudes? "Why do I do this to myself?" [2] Ya boi prefers creative writing by a long fucking shot but he don't care. Look at this little gay whore go, scribbling a fucking essay down like a fucking pro. This is the most writing he's done in months, outside of messaging his dudes.

When ya boi writes, he gets real fucking deep into his fucking zone. So fucking deep that he forgets to fucking eat, not that he eats often anyway. We're talking deeper than any fucking ravine or crater in the fucking world, my dudes. "I'm so deep into my fucking zone, man, you don't even know," [3] Ya boi so deep into his zone right now that he don't even care that his bitchy lil sis is poking him with her elbow in her sleep. Little whore don't think he notices but he does. Ya boi always notices when little bitches try to fuck up his zone deep dishing. He just don't care cause he so fucking deep in his zone.

To conclude this fucking thing, ya boi's gonna wrap it with a cute little bow. A bow that says how fucking right he is about loving his fucking craft and how he should keep on fucking doing it. A bow that knows deep down that it ain't gonna convince his target audience of anything cause the target audience is himself and he ain't ever listen to anything he fucking say. It's like a doomed fucking marriage. Why don't you ever listen to me, ya boi? It's because you don't love me anymore isn't it? You bet my sweet gay ass it is. Conclusion: yes.

Here's your fucking bibliphilia:
[1], [2], [3] - quoted direct from ya boi on the nowth of the now cause ya boi lives in the fucking moment. All these quotes are seconds apart. SECONDS. What a fucking gold mine of quotey goodness.

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