Chapter 8: The Desert

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Ah, the great white dunes of the all mighty desert. Where wyrms and snakes large and small ride with the wind, and the current underneath one's feet.

Yes, I remember the days of old, when cities and citadels larger than entire seas rose into the sky like birds in mid-flight. Yes, it was a beautiful time, where the spiraling marble spires were painted red, and blood ran through the streets and sewers. When invaders could easily take over one city, and then be taken over again in a matter of one decade. Until finally, my disciples had come, and made a tidal wave of great volume, sending a rushing fury of sand and dust towards the entire city. One by one, towers fell, and screams rose.

Only to be silenced.

Though, what became of my favorite disciple is yet to be known. For, when I had ripped the others in half, she had simply vanished.

No matter, by this time she should be dead, for she was a simpleton farm-girl mortal. But, oh, could she kill. And kill she did. She was not a witch, nor a mage in any way at all. Magic could not even touch her blood. I could smell her, and there was never a hint of spell work or Silver-Stain in her blood.

While the duo steadily walking across the dunes though they were not followed, they obviously had not learned the way of the land. Or else Eres did not bother sharing her knowledge with Orik.

Either out of spite, revenge, or foolishness.

For, anything, and anyone, could easily cut through the sands. Making a tunnel to follow their enemies.

Though, would I do that? No, no...I would become like the snakes. Live just above the surface, steadily slithering underneath the sand until I could get a good grip on my prey.

The sand was repelled from my mask, brushing aside the sand before I even touched it. But the rest of my body, was not so lucky.

Sand slipped into my robes and crunched against my tentacles, giving a horrible feeling. Ugh, it terrible.

Perhaps I should kill somebody via irritation to sand? Who knows.

Later, later, later.

Now, now, now.

Prior, prior, prior.


The hunter-born, and the prince must die.

After at least 2 days, they were at my temple. Forever unearthed.

They stood there, absolutely...stunned, by the sight. It was magnificent, indeed.

It was a large box-shaped thing, made entirely out of marble and onyx stone. Styled as though it were a spiraling chess-board. At the bottom of this box, there were steps all around, having very intricate pictures and images within. Detailing the levels of the Prime Kindred's hell.

The FACT, that the two hunters had no idea this was here. The FACT, THAT NOBODY IN THE WORLD KNEW THIS WAS HERE! IS! Quite terrible.

They walked up the steps, not even bothering to brush off their feet at the platform made of wood.

When they walked into the box, I slipped out of the sand, gently brushing my feet against the wood as to make no noise, and slithered up the steps.

I had shrouded myself in shadow, so that I was just a sliver of darkness to the world as I climbed up those steps. A two dimensional shape.

At the top of the steps, when I slithered through the arched doorway that had long ago been accompanied by hundreds of followers, I saw the two fools staring at the large brick wall in the center.

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