What Now?

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^^^ That edit tho👌🏻😍💜
Recap:You got in a car crash while on your way to leave for College and you cant play lacrosse, or sing so you lost your scholarship to the University. What are you going to do?
I was with Ethan in the hospital.We were watching videos and playing games.
"Again?!?"Ethan said
I giggled and said "You have to step up your game" and pushed him a little
"This game is stupid" he said putting his phone down
"Hey Y/N?" He asked
"What are you going to do after all this?" He said
I looked down "I thought about what you said and I think im not going to college and spend more time on my YouTube channel and if that doesn't work I can try to be a modle"I made a silly pose and flipped my hair and laughed
"You're so extra"Ethan said laughing with his contagious smile
" but seriously speaking other than that I was thinking about moving to LA"
Ethans face lit up and he looked at me smiling
"Thats amazing I'd still be able to see you a lot because I've been meaning to tell you that Grayson and I were going to move back to LA" he said
"Thats amazing!" I said
"Were leaving in a few weeks so if your out of the hospital, if you want you can join us if you want?" He said nervously
"That would be amazing.Atleast I wont be alone" I laughed "I have to start looking for apartments"
The nurse walked in the room
"Visiting hours are over, so wrap it up" she smiled "Oh and Y/N you can go back home today or tomorrow"
"Oh thank you" I smiled and she walked out of the room" I get to go home" I said trying to sound louder
" I can drive you if you want?" Ethan offered
" That'd be great.Do you want to spend the night?"
"Sure" he said blushing
We left the hospital after filling out a few releasing forms and Ethan was driving of course I decided to make a update with my followers and inform them what's happening.
"Hey guys Im so sorry for not being active, I got in a car accident and got beat up pretty badly but the best part is that I cant sing at all so it's probably going to be a few weeks begore I can even talk normally, and as always hope your having a better week than me and byee" I started tearing up " what are they going to say?!?! I cant do anything for them"
Ethan looked at me after pulling in my driveway "Y/N, your going to be fine if you have real fans then they'll wait as long as they need to." He said it made me feel better know how true it was
"You're right im over thinking it" I said " Hey Ethan? We haven't flimed a video yet, so do you want to be in my video tomorrow?"
" That'd be great! What are you fliming?" He asked
" You'll see" I laughed
"Oh geeze" he said laughing along
Hey guys im going to try to stay more active starting Wednesday bc tomorrows Tuesday and I cant miss a Dolan Tuesday😘😉
Anyways hope you have an amazing day

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