Highschool Maid {Possibly Slow Updates}

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Fumei's POV

*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*

I opened my eyes and looked over to my alarm clock, it read; 7:30 A.M. My new school starts at 8:30 A.M. I hope my new school is a good one. I have thirty minites until my bus get here, too. I wish my mom would've come to wake me up earlier, instead of heading to work and letting the alarm clock do it. Oh well, I've been here for about a week, so I'm used to the time change and all that. I already have my own job as well, I'm supposed to work as a maid every day after school, at the Maid Café in the next town over. I have to take a bus to get there too. My last home was in America, however I had to move to Japan due to... Certain reasons. I got up out of bed, and walked downstairs to get some breakfast. I got some eggs because I didn't really have all that much time after I stayed in bed thinking. Again. I grabbed my binder and house key before I left. I also made sure to bring some money because I didn't have time to make lunch to bring with me. By the time I reached my bus stop, it was 7:55. Perfect timing, because as soon as I got there, the bus pulled up.

Before I got on the bus. the bus driver asked me, "Are you Hara Fumei?" "Yes ma'am." "Alright then, pick a seat wherever. And stay there until the bus has stopped." "Yes ma'am." I always forget that they call you by your last name, as if it's your first name. I walked up the stairs onto the bus, and looked for an empty seat. I spotted one, and before I got there, somebody sat their stuff in it. So I walked further back and spotted another partially empty seat. There was a boy with red hair but it was an orange-yellow at the tips. He was about my age as well. He looked cute, well built, too. But that was the last I payed attention to him. As soon as I sat down, the bus that was quiet was no more. Everyone was whispering about something or throwing paper at me. Regular for the new kid, right? One of the people beside me threw a pencil at me. I casually looked over and said, "Excuse me. I think this belongs to you."

I started to hold the pencil out, but as soon as he started to reach for it, I had an idea that wpuld make him stop. Right before he grabbed it, I lifted it up and stabbed the seat right beside his hand. He jerked back a little bit, and I continued to smile at him. "Please don't 'drop' it again." I said, as sweetly as possible. Before I knew it I got off of the bus, glad to be too, the entire time I was in the seat with the boy, I could literally feel him starig at me. I walked to the front office and spotted a white haired, red-eyed girl. She walked up to me and said, "You must be the new student, Hara Fumei, correct?" "Yes, I am." "My name is Kiyoi Byakuren, I am the Student Council President. May I show you to your home room?" "Yes please." She grabbed a paper and lead me down one of the halls. "This is your home room, a student in there can show you to your other classes. I'd do it, but I have paper work to fill out during this time. Please understand." "I understand, thank you. And good luck with those papers." "I'll speak with you later about other things, and I love your manners. Have a nice day."

I walked into the classroom, schedule in hand, to the teachers desk. "You must be Hara Fumei, the new student, yes?" "Yes sir." "OK then. I'll have you sit right there. Beside Kenshi, in front of the Eichi twins." He pointed to a desk labeled 'Hara Fumei' on the corner of it. Almost as soon as I turned around, someone put their arm around my neck from behind. I grabbed their arm immediately and flipped them over two rows of desks. To my surprise, it was the teacher. He was keeled over and said, "The rumors are true, she knows Aikido." When I walked back to my desk, I checked my surroundings, just as I do every time that I'm in a new area. I looked beside me and saw the boy that I was sitting with on the bus. I looked behind me to see the Eichi twins as well. They looked a lot alike. Well, they're called twins for a reason.

~~~TIME SKIP: Going to work~~~

Time to go to work, I have my uniform, house key, and my hair tie... Yep everything I need. Mom isn't home yet so I'll just leave a note. She must be working late, she's usually home by now. I'll talk to her later. I walk to the bus station, pay for my ride, and wait until it gets to the maid café. As soon as I arrive, I walk through the back door, specifically for employees. Once again, just like earlier in the week, I was greeted by an overly-happy chief. "Hara-chan! It's nice to see you again! How was your first day of school?!" As she said this, she jumped up and down, her dark brown hair flowing in different directions all at the same time. "It was fine I guess. I almost stabbed a kid on the bus- er, I mean, I- Uhh-... It was... Good." She stared at me for a while, probably processing what I was saying, before replying. "Well, I'm glad you're happy. Now go get into that uniform. Those customers aren't going to serve themselves.

After I changed, I waited for a new customer to arrive. I might be busy because the chief, Arora, and I are the only workers here right now. Just as I thought this, a customer came into the café. I walked up to him and said, "Welcome, Master. Would you like a table or a booth?" He thought for a second and then said, "I think I'll take a regular table today, Hara-chan." I nodded my head and walked him over to a table, setting a menu on the table in the process. I then pulled the chair out for him, and stepped aside for him to sit down. "If there's anything else you want or need, please tell me." I said with a smile, and walked back to my station. By the time I got back to my waiting station, another customer walked into the café. I looked over to Arora's station and she wasn't there, so I walked over to the boy and said, "Welcome, Master. Would you like a table or a booth?" I looked at the boy's face, and found that he looked very familiar. He had blond hair, ice-blue eyes, and a fantastic build. Oh yea, he's the other new American student. He got here two months before I did.

I think he's in my Gym class. "Um, I'll take a boo- Fume- er, Hara-chan?! I didn't know you worked here." "I thought you looked familiar. Good to see you again. So, booth, right?" He nodded his head, so I took him to a booth and placed a menu in front of him. And then I remembered that I forgot his name. "Hey, what's your name? I'm sorry I forgot, I'm terrible with names." "It's Arthur Kiba. Please, call me by my first name though. I hate being called 'Kiba'." "OK then, Arthur. I'll be back in a few minutes to take your order." Then I went back to my first customer, with my notepad ready. "Have you decided on what you want, or do you need more time?" I asked, sweetly. He pondered for about a minute and then replied, "I think I need a couple of minutes. Sorry." "Oh, that's quite alright. Take your time." At least this customer is polite. Some of them literally flag you down like you're taking your sweet time. Speaking of being rude, I wonder if Arthur is going to tell anyone that I work here. I don't really want anyone to know, I'll have to talk to him after my shift is over.

I walked back over to Arthur to see if he was ready to order. "Master, are you ready to order? Or do you need more time?" He stared at me for a second and then said, "U-um... I'll take the Chef's Salad with a sweet tea. That'll be all, thank you." I wrote it down, and noticed that as he said it, he had a slight pink dusted over his cheeks. He was blushing! Oh my gosh. Wait, why am I getting excited because he was blushing...? Oh well. After I made the requested food, I wrote a note on a sheet of paper and slipped it under the plate. I gave the food to him and when he was finished he read the note. He gave me a nood, and then sat back in his chair after he paid for the meal. Apparently the Chief saw me write the note, because she had something to say. "Hara-chan! Are you having an affair with one of our customers? Shame on you." I blushed a deep crimson, and replied. "N-n-n-n-no.... I am n-not. I. Am. Not. H-having. An. Affair. W-with. any. Of. the. customers." "Well that's terrible. You'd look so cute together!" "Chief please shut up. You're drawing too much attention..." Then she walked away all cheery, like she'd just won a battle or something. I turned to look at Arthur, only to find him pulling his hood to cover his face. I then looked at the clock, and saw that my shift was over.

Arthur looked at me and I signaled for him to wait outside. After I changed into my skinny jeans and tanktop, I went outside to see him asleep. I walked over to him and tapped him on his shoulder. Nothing. So I sat down beside him on the bench. He looked so peaceful when he was asleep. He was laying on the bench. Thay couldn't possibly be comfortable. I leaned down closer to his ear and said, "Arthur, I need to talk to you." He slowly opened his eyes and sat up. "OK, Arthur, I'll make this quick. You aren't going to tell anyone at school that I work here, are you?" "Of course not. It isn't my place to tell anybody." Well, I am definately glad that he won't tell anyone. "Well, I don't want to keep you from going home. So goodnight, Arthur." "...There isn't a home for me to go to." I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around. "Well, what about your parents, your house?" "I lived in an apartment. My parents died due to a car accident. And I don't have enough money to keep the apartment." The next thing I know, I grabbed his hand and brought him to my house.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2014 ⏰

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