Occhi Stupendi - Beautiful Eyes

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Twenty years it had been and yet Katelyn felt as though no time had passed since she had married this amazing man and had her wonderful kids. Amedeo and Ada had grown into lovely children, inspiring her everyday to continue the project she had planned so long ago. She had built an orphanage that now housed over 300 children that had no homes, something that blew Katelyn's mind. It always saddened her to know that so many children were without homes in the country of Italy, but she knew that now they were okay and safe and that's what mattered. Recently Katelyn and Leo were working on a new project, they were building a new 'orphanage', a home for adults, where they could stay until they got back on their feet. Katelyn and Leo had decided to create a way for these people to have access to jobs so they could grow and improve the lives that they lived. All in all the king and queen were pleased by the progress that they had done for their country.

They were also pleased with the family they had, Angelo, their seventeen year old son, and their unexpected daughter, Alaina, who was now six. As it turned out Katelyn had trouble having kids for a while. The doctors tried several things before she finally got pregnant with Angelo. Alaina, however, was completely unexpected, a gift from God. Katelyn was satisfied though. Although she would have liked to have more kids, two was more than enough and she was happy to have even been able to have them at all. And of course, she was able to raise the wonderful siblings, Ada and Amedeo.

As happy as they were, Katelyn and Leo suffered a great deal of stress and anger caused by their son Angelo. He had grown up to be arrogant, a lady's man, and one could definitely say he couldn't care less about the crown or being king. Angelo's parents tried several things to get him to change his character, but the stubborn boy had chosen the wrong path. Leo foresaw him changing eventually, but poor Katelyn worried day and night that their son was never going to change. Their problem now was, who would be king? Angelo was the rightful heir, but Amedeo had been first, even though not completely royal. Amedeo didn't want the crown, he didn't feel that it belonged to him, he new that it was rightfully Angelo's, but due to the fact that Katelyn confided in him, he knew about Angelo's thoughts and behaviors towards it. "He'll grow out of it," he would always tell his mother, "Don't worry."

Having Amedeo and Ada around was amazing for both Katelyn and Leo. They were wonderful children, valued everything they had and were the kindest and most respectful to everyone. Both of them had grown up learning all kinds of royal-like duties. They were now fluent in English, something both Leo and Katelyn thought was necessary. Both children still couldn't believe the lives they now lived and now and then thanked the king and queen for changing their lives forever. Although, the queen hated feeling this way, she often thought that it would be nice if Angelo had turned out to be more like them.

Their seventeen year old son now stood in his study, with a girl locked between his body and the wall, a common sight. Angelo had quiet the reputation for hooking up with many of the maids in the palace. They'd kiss here and there, hiding behind doors and running through hallways, all play for the young prince. Of course, all maids threw themselves at him, which didn't help him improve his behavior at all. His mother had threatened removing all female maids from the palace once, which had made him laugh for a while.

The young girl of sixteen moaned as Angelo continued his kisses down her neck. He truly loved women, he would never stop denying it. She giggled as he repeated the words "gorgeous" over and over again. He knew exactly how to get them in his arms, it was plainly obvious. He straightened up to look at this girl, who had short and straight blonde hair, clipped at the side. Her lipstick was smeared and it now dawned on him that he was going to have to make a trip to the bathroom before he did anything else.

"Voglio fare di più che baciare, vostra altezza (I want to do more than just kiss, your high highness)," the girl said, biting her lip. Angelo looked at her, grinning. Did he mention he loved women?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2018 ⏰

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