House Arrest

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"Where the hell is it?" I muttered as I dug through my desk drawers and sifted through the bed covers. Aki watched me from the corner of the bedroom as I continued to rummage around before finally making my way to the closet. I began to dig around within the mountains of coats and shoes, every once in a while bringing up a lonely flip flop or belt buckle without its matching belt. Cleaning was never my strong suit which I am now really starting to regret as I am very late for work.

"Aki have you seen my phone?" I ask. Aki shakes his head and I groan before heading out of my room and into the hall. 

"I guess I'll have to leave without it." I whine as I grab my bag and coat and head for the door. I stop short in front of the entrance as my finger paw around within my empty pockets before franticly digging through my small bag.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE MY KEYS!?" I scream as I put down my bag and stride into the kitchen. I check the kitchen drawers and countertops before heading to the living room and checking behind the pillows and under the cushions. This is not a good start to the day and it isn't helping that Aki is just sitting there and watching me from the doorway.

"Aki, have you seen my keys?"

"Haven't seen them. Maybe you should call work and tell them you'll be late?"

"Right." I mutter as I raise myself to my feet and shuffle to the kitchen phone. I dial the restraints number and after a few rings my boss picks up.

"Where are you?" He asks, the irritation evident in his deep voice.

"I can't find my house keys so I'm going to be a bit late." I mumble.

"How late?"

"I'm not sure. I know that they are around here somewhere. I'll call you back when I find them."

"Ok thats fine but hurry up will you, we have customers."

"Alright." I mumble again as I hang up the phone and sighed loudly. What the hell is wrong with me? Why do I feel so heavy? I turn around and see Aki standing in the doorway and a thought struck me. Why didn't I think of this earlier?

"Aki, I'm going to work. Can you lock the door behind me?" I yell as I run to grab my coat and purse again.

"W-what about your keys? And your phone?" Aki asks. There is this strange tone in his voice where he sounds almost panicked. I wave it off as concern on my part and slip on my boots.

"I'm going to have to make do without them. I'm going to work so you just have to lock the door behind me when I leave." I reach for the doorknob but am immediately pulled back. I look over to see Aki holding onto my arm. His ears are pulled back and his eyes are wet with fear as he looks down at me with pleading eyes.

"Please don't go." He begs. "Just stay here with me." His childlike begging surprises me, especially after having him be so hostile the last couple of days. Still I can't skip work so I quickly shrug his hand away as I give him an apologetic smile.

"I'll be back soon." I mutter as I turn to open the door the only thing is that the door doesn't move. I turn the handle and I hear the latch inside open and close but the door remains still as if its being held there by glue. I am about to question it when I feel strong arms wrap around me and pull me into a warm chest. Aki's hot breath blows through my hair as he buries his face into the top of my head.

"Don't. Go." He mumbles. His voice is slightly shaking as I feel hot tears fall into my hair. Aki being clingy is nothing new but this time it scares me. Is Aki crying? Why is he crying? Why won't he let go? I wiggle around in his arms in an attempt to free myself but his grip only tightens as he pulls me closer.

"A-Aki, why are you crying? W-why won't the door o-open?" Aki doesn't answer but I feel him shift against me as he slowly starts pulling me back into the living room. As I'm being pulled my eyes catch hold of something shiny protruding from the door frame as my body stiffens up as terror sets in. Dozens upon dozens of tiny silver nails have been dug into the wooden frame of the door holding the door shut. 

Aki must have sensed my fear because he begins to hurry as he drags me back to my room and pushes me down on the bed. I immediately try to get up but he pushes me back down as he climbs to sit on top on me. Aki is straddling my chest as he leans over my shivering body, our faces mere inches apart. He doesn't move closer and I have to force myself to work through my fear long enough to look at him. Aki is my friend. He is gentle and he is kind. Aki is a good person. Unfortunately the Aki I saw looming over me was not the Aki I had know and lived with for the past month. His thin lips that always showed me happy smiles were pulled into a deep frown and his white hair hung loose over his eyes but not long enough to hide the blue hues that had once glowed with energy and that were now dull and empty. That was exactly how Aki now was: empty and lifeless. He wasn't Aki anymore.

"A-Aki.....whats wrong?" I ask and I flinch as he brings one of his hands down to cup my cheek as a small smile pulls at his lips.

"Do you have any beautiful you are?" He asks as his hand rises from my cheek to comb through my hair. I shiver each time his cold fingers make contact with my scalp. Everything feels so dark and so cold and although I am trying to hold them back I can't help the tears that begin to surface at the corners of my eyes as my body shakes to control my sobs. Aki sees my tears and his eyebrows furrow as he scowls deeply.

"Don't cry." He whispers as he wipes away the tears with his thumb before leaning down and licking the water from my cheeks. His tongue is scratchy like a cats and sends me into a whole new wave of panic as I begin to cry and struggle uncontrollable under him. Aki try to hold me down but I slip out of his grasp and manage to tumble to the floor. Before I can run he grabs me by the ankle and pins me down by my legs.

"DON'T RUN!" He screams as his nails dig into my pants, scraping the underneath flesh and causing me to wince in pain. "Don't you get it, Y/n? Don't you see? This is the way it was meant to be. Just the two of us in this room with no outside distractions." As he talks he slowly crawls up my legs until he is able to grab hold of my wrists but he doesn't try to push me down but instead sits there with his hands shaking as his eyes never look away from my own. "The outside world is full of danger. They were trying to separate us so I did what I thought best and I took you away from them. I brought you back to me and we will be together forever from now on."

"You can't do that Aki! You can't lock me up here! I'm not yours!" I scream at him as I have finally mustered up a tiny bit of courage.

"Dear Y/n. You don't understand yet but I promise you you will and until then you are not leaving this house."

"You can't lock me up here." I repeat. Aki simply smiles as he pulls me forward by my wrists so I fall face first into his chest where he holds me still. He holds me still with one hand while he calmly brushes my hair with the other.

"You are not leaving." He whispers in my ear. "The door is nailed shut and so are all the windows. I threw away your cellphone so you can't call anyone and after this I am going to call your boss, tell him you quit, and then disconnect the landline. After that there will be no one to bother us. We will be together forever. Till death do us part."

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