Snowflakes are so quiet. Silent, even. It's amazing to think that these pests are what causes the land to become covered in a powdery white blanket. A cold blanket. So cold. What use is a cold blanket? I'd rather have no blanket at all. Like in the summer. You don't really need a blanket to stay warm in the summer. The ground is usually still heated from the sunlight. Unless it rains. But it doesn't rain a whole lot in the summer, luckily. Then...the ground would be muddy and cold. Like, all the time. Then my fur gets all muddy and soggy. I'd have to sleep in a tree to stay dry. On a crowded branch. A crowded, hard, uncomfortable branch. In the winter, we still have dens to sleep in. The ground is cold, but at least its not wet. Crowded dens. Stuffy, crowded, uncomfortable dens. Gee, you just can't win when it comes to a sleeping place.
Wow. I should really stop talking to myself in my mind. Could you imagine if I was talking to myself out loud? Embarrassing.
The white Spinksy stood shakily, his paws aching from his cold resting place. He crawled out of his hollow ditch, which acted as a nest, and danced around the other ditches, each one holding a sleeping bundle of fur, of all colors and sizes. He was careful not to wake anyone. That would be rude, and annoying. Plus, he didn't need to be questioned on where he was going. He wasn't doing anything bad or harmful, it just wasn't anyone else's business but his. Besides, the question would answer itself when he returned.
He padded through the bushes and into the open snow meadow. His pace quickened as he trotted through it, taking a right into the trees and emerging into another smaller meadow, turning left again, and heading for the hill that laid in the distance. On top of that hill stood a handsome clay-colored and speckled white creature, with a ruby red eye and a black and cyan bandana/scarf combo that flowed in the wind behind him. The white spinksy's trot became a gallop as he hopped up the hill.
"Ross!" He chuckled. "Oh, it's so good to see you're ok!" He said, skittering to a stop, spraying snow into the other's face and chest.
"Beetle." He replied flatly, shaking the snow off. He appeared almost irritated.
Beetle shrugged it off and crouched in the snow, his tail waving in the air."Come on, let's have a chase!" He purred. "I'm pretty sure you're still it from last time!" He grinned playfully.
Ross merely blinked and twitched his bobbed tail. "I am not a cub, and neither are you." He snapped, causing Beetle to flinch. "Stop acting so childish and get to your feet." He hissed sourly.
Beetle blinked and stood back up. "Awe, come on, don't be so bitter! Besides, what's a little game of chase to rile up our senses? You know, just like before!"
"I didn't come to play games." Ross said, still irritated. "Or hang out, or be buddies."
Beetle frowned, his tail dropping and his ears falling. "Oh...then...why did you come back? I did promise, but...what's the point of returning unless you want to hang out? Unless you don't like breaking promises, but you came back anyways. But then-"
Ross reared up on his hind legs. "Enough!" He growled, swiping a claw across Beetle's eye. Beetle screeched and shook his head furiously, blood clotting the 'scratch' on his eye. He squeezed his eye shut and shrieked again as he was knocked off his paws, writhing in the snow as he was pinned down by Ross's claws on his shoulder. "I can't see! I can't see! Why did you do that?! How could you?!" He wailed, not daring to open his eye. The pain was bad enough without the sharp frosted air.
Ross grabbed the tuft of fur on Beetle's head with a paw and pulled up, lifting Beetle's head and causing him to whimper. He leaned down and growled in his ear. "You and I are through. The Hollow and I are through. Everyone else and I...we are all through. You go back to your Hollow, and you tell them that I will return. And when I do, I want what belongs to me." He shoved his head back on the ground and backed away, turning around and going back down the hill. He then spoke without looking back. "And by the way. It's Agent Ross."