Chapter 1 The Wedding Dress

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(A/N) I'm writing this right now because I didn't feel like waiting for the first book to finsh. So if you get confused sorry I really am but I had to write the Wedding book down. There is some stuff in this book that'll spoil that first book for you. Anyway. Comment, Share and or Vote. And Nya's dress is in the media.

~ Kai's POV ~

"Come on Jay get out of your room before I go in there and get you out. OR better yet I'll send Sophia to go and beat your high scores again!!"

"NOOOOOO!" Jay then comes out of his room dressed hair done ready to go. "Please don't let her do that again I worked hard to get those scores back!"

"Yeah a little to hard if you ask me." Sophia says with a smug look on her face. Jay then looks in shock as if he can tell what Sophia did. She beat his scores again and this time made it impossible to break.

"You didn't beat the scores again? Did you?" I ask her with a smile on my face as I pull out my phone to start making a video of Jay's reactions to seeing his high scores gone. We all go but instead of it being A Yellow Gi it was ZANE'S White Gi on the high score bored. I then turn my camera towards Jay who looked like he was going to start crying. I start snickering trying really hard to to laugh.

"My....My..... My scores.... There...... GONE!!" and that was the breaking point I then start laughing so hard I fall over holding my sides trying to keep recording Jay's reaction but then all of a sudden Sophia starts laughing

"Oh my goodness Jay you should've seen the look on you face when you saw your scores gone. Oh, wait YOU CAN." Sophia then points to a camera in the room recording everything. "Oh and another thing Jay. It wasn't Zane who beat your score it was me!" Sophia runs from the room real fast with Jay running after her. I get up and wipe the tears from my eyes.

"Kai can you come here??" I turn and see Nya in a robe with her head pokeing out of her room.

"Uh..... Okay." I say unsurely

"I need you to tell me how I look in my wedding dress..." Nya says grabing my wrist as I walk over and yanks me in her room and shuts the door.

"Uh... Nya why don't you have the girls see it first?" I ask her rubbing my wrist making sure she didn't break it.

"Because I wanted my brother to see it first THEN.... I have the girls see me in it."

"But... Why do you not have Kendra in here she is our sister after all." I say looking around

"She's out on the deck. I think I over heard Zane say he was goign to tell Kendra that he likes her.." Nya says smiling a wide smile. "You know Kai." Nya says as she goes behind her changing wall "I think Zane really likes Kendra I mean he looks at her that same way Jay looks at me." Nya says comeing out from behind her changing wall Nya was wearing a blue marine dress with white lace it had nice frill sholders that where also blue and the dress was floor langth and fit very nicely on her.

"Wow, sis you look stunning." I say trying not to let my jay drop to the floor. "So sence you've let your hair grow a bit longer how's your hair going to be done?" I ask her

"Uh, sence Sophia is good with style I think I'll be having her do my hair and make-up." Nya says going back behind the wall to change out of the dress and into her normal outfit that she wore everyday. But this time she came out in a pair of black skinny jeans and one of Jay sweatshirts.

"Nya?" I say "Did you steal that from Jay?"

"Uh, yes but he doesn't mind he saw me wearing it a few days ago and said it looked nice on me and that I could keep it so I could wear it to remind me of him when he's not around." Nya says smileing. "Hey what's that yelling?" I then remember that Jay and Sophia where fighting because Sophia beat Jay high scores. I then tell Nya what was going to and se started laughing. We then decidid to go and halp Jay out with Sophia

"Hey. There you guys are can you help me I'm a little tied up here." Jay says as we walk out and sure enough Jay's tied to the pole that has our sale attached.

"Okay Jay what did you do to Sophia to make you get tied up?"  I ask him "Take her games away hide her favorite movies dump her ice cream that she hand made?" I say as I go and try to undo the knot on the rope.

"Uh all of the above and right now she's going a getting water ballons with whip cream and water in some of them to throw at me!" I then turn around and sure enough there Sophia with wet hair and stuff in it that looks like Jay messed with her hair again holding four buckets with ballons that have whip cream in some and water in the others.

"Uh... Oh..." I say backing away from Jay very slowly. "You're on your own Jay you messed with Sophia by doing the stuff you know you shoud not have done and now you're going to get pranked real badly." I say laughing my butt off. "Oh and Sophia when Kendra gets back Nya wants all the girls to go into her room so she can show you the wedding dress." I say before I close the door. I then hear Jay pleading with Sophia to not do this he'll even make it up to her. But then I hear ballons being thrown at Jay. I secretly tape it so I can show it to Jay later.

(A/N) Hey everyone I'm sorry if you're getting confused like. Who's Sophia and who is Kendra and why is she going out with Zane? And if you've read my book. You're probable asking where is Cole and what's happened to Stephany?? Well.... All questions will be answered in my first book. This is the sequil I just couldn't wait to write this I've had the ideas going through my mind I just couldn't wait. Oh, and another thing I found the picture of Nya's dress so I'm going to have it in the book for you all to see.

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