Chapter One

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Amber's P.O.V.
I was staring up at him. Looking for anything in the cloak. I glanced back at my broken body. How did I die? How could that happen? All I did was tease the guy for being narcissistic. He appearantly didn't like that. So here I was. With the Angel of Death.
He turned around and started walking away. I paused and looked for someone else. When I didn't see anyone, I ran after him.
"Where are you taking me?" I asked, my voice came out as a whisper.
No response. I tried to keep up with him. I didn't want to be left alone in this place. I trailed behind him closely, trying to be patient for a response.
"Please, where are we going?" I repeated.
"Paradise." He answered cooly.
I shut up at his answer. He didn't want to talk. I could try to respect that. I saw something in the corner of my eye. I whipped around, seeing someone running. If they were here, then they should probably be with me and this Angel of Death.
I didn't want to upset this angel anymore than he already seemed. But I couldn't let this spirit be alone. I had to make sure they were with us.
I slunk away quietly. I wouldn't be gone long. It would only take me a moment.
When I was far enough away from him, I ran after the spirit I saw. I caught up to him rather quickly. He paused and stopped when he saw me. He had jet black hair and dark brown eyes. His skin was a sickly pale and his clothes were wet. It was blood, his hands were red from his wounds.
"You're going the wrong way." I said. "The Angel of Death is the other way."
"I know he is Sweetheart." He answered. "I want you, not him."
"Wh-what?" I stuttered, backing up.
He smiled, grabbing my throat and raising me up. I instinctively raised my hands and tried to pry his off my throat. He was sqeezing, trying to crush my neck.
"Le....... go......" I clawed at his hands weakly.
"Sure thing. I've got to take you to my home first." He stated.
I was seeing black dots. It was possible to die after death? Since when had that been a thing?
"Let her go nephilim!" A voice growled.
"Not a chance Azrael. She belongs to my leader." He snarled.
"I said, let her go!" Azrael shouted.
The nephilim-whatever that was-dropped to the ground. He writhed in pain as he let go of my throat. I coughed, falling to the ground. Azrael grabbed my arm and ran. I stumbled, gasping for air. Azrael looked back at me and groaned, picking me up.
"Not much longer, little one." Azrael said. "You'll have to run while I fight that nephilim. Just go straight."
Azrael put me down and pushed me forward. I stumbled, but ran straight. I heard the clashing of metal and I glanced back for a moment.
Azrael was spinning around the nephilim. He was delivering blow after blow. The nephilim returned his attacks with just as much force.
They soon faded out of my veiw. I forced myself to look forward. When I turned around, I careened into another body.
I looked up and was met with an angel that had golden hair and blue eyes. His wings were pure white and he stared down at me with warmth in his eyes and concern.
"Where is Azrael?" He asked.
"Attacked... By a nephilim...." I stated in awe.
"I see," He paused. "Gabriel! Raphael!"
Two more angels showed up. Both of them looked similar to the one standing in front of me. But one had blue eyes and the other had brown eyes. Both of them had brown hair.
The taller one had golden feathers mixed in with his white ones. He was the one with the brown eyes.
The other angel, the shorter one. He had white wings just like the first of the three. This angel had blue eyes.
"Gabriel, I want you to take this spirit to the court. Get someone to fit her with proper attire beforehand so she will be ready." He instructed. "Raphael, come with me. Azrael and this girl were attacked by a nephilim. We need to help our brother."
"Be safe Michael. You as well Raphael." Gabriel stated, the one with the brown eyes. "Come with me little one. What's your name by the way."
"Amber," I answered. "What's a nephilim?"
"Well, it's a half-humam creature. It's other half can be demon or angel." Gabriel explained. "The half-demon ones are generally the ones that attack spirits and humans. The half-angels are normally the protecters of humans or they are up in Paradise helping to keep everything in order."
"How did they get to that place?" I demanded. "Where we just were?"
"They can easily enter and exit that area. Any angel, demon, nephilim, or human spirit can." Gabriel explains. "Azrael is the Angel of Death. It makes sense for him to be there. But for a nephilim to attack a spirit in Purgatory is rare. They usually wouldn't attack you when your with.... You weren't with Azrael, were you? You were lured away."
"I thought he was a spirit that needed to come with us. And Azrael seemed upset with me so I went to go get this spirit." I replied.
Gabriel nodded slowly. We reached an area of light. Gabriel offered me his hand. I hesitantly took it. We walked through the door of light.
It took a moment for my eyes to adjust. Gabriel was still holding my hand and walking through Paradise.
I looked around in awe. There were numerous gardens that were well kept and taken care of. Many of the houses were either small cottages or only two stories high. They were humble homes.
There were multiple angels around. They were walking, fighting, flying, playing with each other. No one looked our way and I was thankful for the lack of attention.
When we arrived at the angel court, there was an angel leaning against the entrance. She seemed to be waiting for us.

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