Chapter Eleven

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Azrael's P.O.V.
"So, you pretended to hate me this whole time?" Amber whispered.
"I'm supposed to remain neutral when it comes to emotions." I responded. "Most of the time I end up seeming pissed off about something or other."
"So, what are you saying?" She demanded.
"I like you." I answered. "I want to start over when we get back to Paradise. If you'll let me."
"Even with my new.... additions?" Amber mumbled.
I smiled, she was so worried about her wings. It was kind of cute. Her eyes were earily similar to Raphael's. But they were hers at the same time.
"Yes, wings and all Amber." I answered as a hand connected with my head.
"Enough chit chat!" Cammael hissed.
"We don't need Lucifer to skin us!" Daniel added.
I sigh, "you could return to Paradise if you repent and promise to stay loyal. But I assume you two know that already."
I felt another hand connect with my head. I winced slightly, earning a snicker from the demons. They do enjoy causing others pain, that's for sure.
When we arrived in the main room for Lucifer's horde, me and Amber gasped in shock. There were so many demons. Much more than I had remembered. But I could easily pick out the humans. I had brought all of them here when they died. It was their punishment for remaining silent instead of repenting.
Lucifer was standing up front, waiting for the four of us. I noticed Amber trying to shrink back, but Daniel's hold on her kept her from being able to move away. Daniel growled, which only made her more frantic.
"Daniel, I can calm her down." I stated.
"As long as she stops, do what you have to." He seethed.
"Amber, listen to me. Lucifer won't let you get hurt. You have to breath deeply and evenly to calm down." I said softly, noticing her relaxing. "When we get home, we'll have tea or something, alright? For now, just focus on the fact that I won't leave your side. I'm here for you."
Amber relaxed enough and let Daniel lead her through the crowd of demons. Cammael shoved me forward and we followed in haste. It wasn't a good thing to upset Lucifer. You'd either be killed, or you'd get punished.
Lucifer looks down at us coolly. He cuts Amber's bonds and guides her up onto a ledge. Soon after, Lucifer has me sent up the ledge with my bonds being cut by Cammael.
Lucifer looks down at his horde, making sure all of the hushed whispering that had started, ended immediately.
"Today, we welcome two guests here with us." Lucifer started. "The Angel of Death, who will soon be returning to Paradise. And the newest member of the Angelic Host, Amber Levine. Who will be our greatest asset in the upcoming war."
The demons broke out into conversation immediately. How could an angel help them after all. Angels weren't supposed to help demons under any circumstances. I was the only exception, but I had to deliver souls to Perdition every once in a while.
"Silence!" Lucifer roared. "We will attack Paradise with everything we have! I will use Amber's power to destroy my bastard brother, Michael soon enough! Paradise will rue the day they sent us here to rot! We will take back what is ours!"
This is what Lucifer meant by me going home! He was giving me the chance to give the host a warning so they wouldn't be caught completely off guard! But I just told Amber I wouldn't leave her. And I wasn't going to, I would return for her.
I fled down the ledge and flew through Perdition. I needed to get home and tell everyone. I didn't have a moment to lose. I could here demons starting to follow me, but Lucifer called them off. He didn't think I could make it. I would prove him wrong. I would save my friends and family.


"Michael! Michael! I need to talk to you! Call the court immediately! It's an emergency!" I shouted.
Michael opened the door. He seemed surprised to see me. I grabbed his arm and started pulling him towards the court. We needed to get there as fast as we could.
"Azrael? What's going on? How did you escape from Perdition?" Michael interrogated.
"He's planning an attack on Paradise, Michael!" I exclaimed. "Hurry! We need to call everyone to arms!"
"Go to the court! I'll call the archangels!" Michael ordered.
"Get Ember too! She might be able to help!" I shouted.
All of the angels sat in the court room. They seemed upset by the sudden meeting. But shocked to see me all the same. I noticed Ember standing next to Michael. And Lucius was there too, keeping his distance from everyone.
Castiel seemed more than happy to see me.
"Azrael, please tell us why I needed to assemble the court and call my angels to arms." Michael's voice rang out.
"Lucifer is going to attack Paradise very soon." I stated. "He's turned Amber into an angel and is going to use her power to help him."
"Are you sure of this, Azrael?" Michael responded.
"Yes, Lucifer let me go because he didn't think I'd make it back fast enough to warn you. Michael, Paradise is in grave danger and Amber Levine is going to be used against us."
Michael stayed quiet. Thinking about what I had said. That was a good thing. It meant he was considering my words.
"A girl with a golden name will become the newest one. In her shrouded mind, the Serpent will speak. Take her free will... In the midst of her pain... She's easily manipulated by the one who knows the pain." Ember muttered. "Azrael, did you hurt her by any chance?"
"I told her I would stay by her side. And now I'm here." I responded.
"Shit!" Ember exclaimed. "I looked over the fucking record and didn't connect the damn dots. I'm an idiot!"
"Sis, calm down a bit." Lucius interrupted.
"Keep your mouth shut!" Ember snapped. "You and I are not on speaking terms right now you bastard!"
"Ember, language." Michael ordered. "What record are you talking about?"
"The one I was just muttering about. Azrael is telling the truth. We all need to be ready to fight and defend Paradise agaisnt Lucifer. And we absolutely have to get Amber away from Lucifer during the fray. It's the only way we'll be able to defeat the horde."
"You heard my niece everyone!" Michael called out. "Call your choirs together! Prepare for war!"

Amber's P.O.V.
I felt my chest tighten when Azrael ran off. He was leaving me here after saying he was here for me? I guess he didn't really care, he was playing with me.
That pissed me off. When people would do that for no good reason. It wasn't right! It was so rude!
I felt Lucifer place his hand on my shoulder gently. I looked up towards him and he met my eyes. There was a softness I hadn't noticed in them before.
"It hurts when the peole who care leave you, doesn't it?" He asked quietly.
I nodded, I wasn't sure what to say to him.
"If you help me take Paradise. Azrael will never leave your side again." Lucifer stated. "Will you help me Amber?"
"Will anyone get hurt?" I demanded.
"You mean, will anyone die." He dead-panned. "I can't say everyone will live. But I can assure you that your Azrael wil lbe unharmed for the most part. Will you help me?"
I looked back towards the tunnel Azrael had gone through when he left. I felt a fresh wave of anger rush through my body. I set my jaw in determination.
"Let's do this Lucifer! Let's take control of Paradise!" I stated.

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